On 9/3/09, Nathan Neff <nathan.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As a kludge, I can press Mod1+Enter twice to focus the master, but I'd
> like a single keypress
> to focus the master.
well then a quick&dirty solution is

static Key keys[] = {
  { MODKEY,    XK_m,   zoom,   {0} },
  { MODKEY,    XK_m,   zoom,   {0} },

so mod+m executes zoom twice

> I haven't dug into the code too much, but I found the "focusstack"
> method, and perhaps
> it could be modified to take a "0" (zero) as an argument which would
> put the focus on the master client.

no, that would focus the previous client
you want something like

focusmaster(const Arg *arg) {

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