QUINTIN Guillaume <coincoin1...@gmail.com> writes:

> latex-beamer gives me very strange results when I want to insert some
> graphics.
> I spent as much time on making latex works as writing my report.
> And latex-beamer is giving me as much pain.


> This does not work at all. The picture is cut, I don't know why and is not
> displayed within the page.
> Only a piece of the picture is drawn in some coin of the page.
> So I want to find an other good typesetting system to produce pdf with maths
> formulas and pictures.

Here your example works perfectly.  »Here« is TeX Live 2008, with beamer
2007/03/11 cvs version 3.07 and pdftex 1.40.9.

Perhaps you have to update your TeX distribution?


Oliver Heins he...@sopos.org    http://oliverheins.net/
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