2009/8/23 Aurélien Aptel <aurelien.ap...@gmail.com>:
> On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 9:28 PM, Anselm R Garbe<garb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2009/8/22 Ray Kohler <ataraxia...@gmail.com>:
>>> I'm rather curious on where st will go, and what kinds of things other
>>> terminals do that it will or won't do.
>> Well my plan is to achieve *good* xterm compliance and 256 color
>> support. As you know xterm is not really fully vt100 or vt220
>> compliant, so that's also not a goal of st.
> Full xterm support will be difficult. There are lots of features in
> its terrible source code. Just check the official README, it's kind of
> scary:

There is no plan to achieve full xterm support. I know that good xterm
support is kind of vague.

>>                        Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here
>> This is undoubtedly the most ugly program in the distribution.  It was one of
>> the first "serious" programs ported, and still has a lot of historical 
>> baggage.
>> Ideally, there would be a general tty widget and then vt102 and tek4014
>> subwidgets so that they could be used in other programs.  We are trying to
>> clean things up as we go, but there is still a lot of work to do.

To the xterm folks: Let me suggest to scrap the entire project and do
it from scratch ;)

Kind regards,

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