Hello! Since merging dwm and wmii lists were merged into this list,
Gmane newsgroups are somewhat broken. Here is my conversation with 
Wolfgang Schnerring, one of Gmane admins, from gmane.discuss group.

> From: Dmitry Maluka <dmitrymaluka <at> gmail.com>
> Subject: Newsgroup for dev <at> suckless.org
> Newsgroups: gmane.discuss
> Date: 2009-07-24 19:53:12 GMT (16 hours and 11 minutes ago)
> Hello!
> Some time ago maillists for dwm and wmii window managers
> (dwm <at> suckless.org and wmii <at> suckless.org respectively) were merged 
> into a
> single list dev <at> suckless.org. Now gmane.comp.window-managers.wmii maps
> into this new list, and gmane.comp.window-managers.dwm maps into the
> obsolete dwm <at> suckless.org.
> Probably, the users that will try to find a newsgroup for dwm will be
> confused finding an outdated group. Also, the dev <at> suckless.org list (in
> past - the dwm <at> suckless.org list) contains messages not only on dwm
> or wmii but on any suckless.org software development related topics.
> I think it is reasonable to rename gmane.comp.window-managers.wmii to
> gmane.comp.suckless or similar, and create its "mirror" groups named
> gmane.comp.window-managers.dwm and gmane.comp.window-managers.wmii. If
> it is impossible, the group name should contain words "dwm" and "wmii".
> For old lists, we can create gmane.comp.window-managers.dwm.old and
> gmane.comp.window-managers.wmii.old.
> From: Wolfgang Schnerring <wosc+gmane <at> wosc.de>
> Subject: Re: Newsgroup for dev <at> suckless.org
> Newsgroups: gmane.discuss
> Date: 2009-07-25 06:46:13 GMT (5 hours and 19 minutes ago)
> Hello,
> * Dmitry Maluka <dmitrymaluka <at> gmail.com> [2009-07-24 21:53]:
> > Probably, the users that will try to find a newsgroup for dwm will be
> > confused finding an outdated group. Also, the dev <at> suckless.org list (in
> > past - the dwm <at> suckless.org list) contains messages not only on dwm
> > or wmii but on any suckless.org software development related topics.
> >
> > I think it is reasonable to rename gmane.comp.window-managers.wmii to
> > gmane.comp.suckless or similar, and create its "mirror" groups named
> > gmane.comp.window-managers.dwm and gmane.comp.window-managers.wmii. If
> > it is impossible, the group name should contain words "dwm" and "wmii".
> Unfortunately, renaming groups is not possible because of technical
> difficulties. (We can do a delete/re-add, but that of course loses the
> messages in the deleted group.)
> Also, a group can have only one name, not multiple ones.
> So if the dev <at> suckless.org list is about both window managers wmii and
> dwm, well, I guess we could delete both g.c.w-m.dwm and .wmii and create
> a group gmane.comp.window-managers.wmii-dwm instead to carry
> dev <at> suckless.org. (If you want the old messages to be present on Gmane,
> you'll have to help us do a bulk-import, see
> http://gmane.org/import.php)
> Would that be alright with you?
> Wolfgang
> -- 
> Gmane -- Mail To News And Back Again: http://gmane.org
> From: Dmitry Maluka <dmitrymaluka <at> gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: Newsgroup for dev <at> suckless.org
> Newsgroups: gmane.discuss
> Date: 2009-07-25 11:53:11 GMT (12 minutes ago)
> 25-07-2009, Wolfgang Schnerring <wosc+gmane <at> wosc.de> wrote:
> > Unfortunately, renaming groups is not possible because of technical
> > difficulties. (We can do a delete/re-add, but that of course loses the
> > messages in the deleted group.)
> > Also, a group can have only one name, not multiple ones.
> >
> > So if the dev <at> suckless.org list is about both window managers wmii and
> > dwm, well, I guess we could delete both g.c.w-m.dwm and .wmii and create
> > a group gmane.comp.window-managers.wmii-dwm instead to carry
> > dev <at> suckless.org. (If you want the old messages to be present on Gmane,
> > you'll have to help us do a bulk-import, see
> > http://gmane.org/import.php)
> > Would that be alright with you?
> Yes, I like that. g.c.w-m.wmii should be removed; g.c.w-m.dwm may be
> left but marked as obsolete; the new group should be created with
> importing the current dev <at> suckless.org list archive into it.
> I'll ask other dev <at> suckless.org subscribers what do they think, and
> write here.

So, what do you think about it?

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