Interesting, I had (sic) because it is what Boyd had when he sent me
the quote years ago, I'm not sure why I removed it at some point.
Corrected it now to [sic], although it might be that ken actually did
write '(sic)' himself?

Ah, the mysteries of quoting combined with the wonders of the English
language :)


On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 9:47 PM, Kris Maglione<> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 03:18:53PM +0200, Uriel wrote:
>> Thanks for the correction, but I think that was a spelling mistake on
>> purpose, I will add (sic).
> It should be [sic] when you're modifying a quote, (sic) when you're
> clarifying your own writing.
> --
> Kris Maglione
> I think conventional languages are for the birds.  They're just
> extensions of the von Neumann computer, and they keep our noses in the
> dirt of dealing with individual words and computing addresses, and
> doing all kinds of silly things like that, things that we've picked up
> from programming for computers; we've built them into programming
> languages; we've built them into Fortran; we've built them in PL/1;
> we've built them into almost every language.
>        --John Backus

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