Hi there,

I'm not sure what is so difficult to understand about this move to d...@.

Previously, dwm@ was used for plenty valuable off-topic discussions as
well, besides dwm's own discussion, and the move to dev@ is logical,
since there are more software projects from suckless.org (and more to
come). There is no point in having 3, 5, or more lists on a per
project basis and then another general list for off-topic discussions.
That sucks, because then one has to look up different lists for
different things all the time. The mail subject has been invented to
summarise what a discussion is about, if it's not your cup of tea,
then ignore or delete the discussion of such a subject.

I see the users of dwm, wmii, dmenu, st, etc as part of a bigger
community which should be fine with a general list to discuss all the
issues -- since project related mails, esp. wmii related mails, were
low traffic in the past months. So I don't see any problem in
receiving some mails regarding software you might not use at all. I
don't use vimperator for instance, so I don't care if I receive
discussions about it. The same should be true for wmii.

More the contrary, it is sometimes good to receive mails about
software you haven't been aware of so far, because otherwise you might
still use XFCE (as an example)...

Kind regards,

PS: I really hope we can end this discussion now, it's really
pointless and the dev@ list sucks less then 5 different lists.

2009/5/25 Dusan <ef_...@yahoo.com>:
> On Mon, 25 May 2009 15:03:30 +0200
> Uriel <lost.gob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Subject: dwm title bars similar to wmii title bars
> Body: I like how wmii draws window title bars and I was wondering if
> there is dwm patch available to do the same.
> Just an example.
> We had perfect two lists and we had to break them so now we must code
> additional logic to get customized results. That is so un-suckless IMO.
> With two lists anybody who wanted to track both could subscribe to them.
> Any additional processing is way less than perfect.
> Dusan
>> Most email filtering tools (eg., procmail) allow to trivially match
>> strings in the body of an email rather than in the subject. (I'm
>> amazed that I need to point this out).
>> uriel
>> On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 12:40 PM, Michael <mi...@netspark.org> wrote:
>> > Anselm R Garbe wrote:
>> >> If your topic is strictly dwm-related mention this in the subject
>> >> (then people can match for "dwm").
>> >>
>> >> If your topic is strictly wmii-related mention this in the subject
>> >> as well (people can match for "wmii" then).
>> >
>> > I don't think newcomers will follow this instructions, although as I
>> > understand things won't change.

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