Pertag patch ( has this licked.
I use it, and it works fine!


On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 09:05:44PM -0400, Ammar James wrote to To dev mail list:
> The whole tabbing situation could be solved if monacle were able to
> function for only one tab (or "virtual desktop" if you will).

> If that can happen, then simply having moncale on the tab you have the
> browser in would be great. if you want to go to another open page you
> just shuffle around till you get to it. Granted, this might be a
> problem if you are one of those people with 200 different tabs open.
> ;p

> But since I am not one of those people, this would definitely be a
> viable solution for me.

> P.S. - by the way, I hope I am not making a fool of myself. If the
> whole "monacle-but-only-in-one-tab" problem has been solved, please
> let me know! I use dwm-5.4.1.
.  Don Harper, RHCE  .  A friend can tell you things    .
. .     you don't want to tell       .
. . yourself. - Frances Ward Weller  .

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