Hi everyone, We discovered a regression in our recently released Node.js client v1.13.0, which causes a segmentation fault when using token authentication.
Reference PR: https://github.com/apache/pulsar-client-node/pull/407 This is a fix version. Please help vote. thanks ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the first release candidate for Apache Pulsar Node.js client, version 1.13.1. It fixes the following issues: https://github.com/apache/pulsar-client-node/pull/407 Please download the source files and review this release candidate: - Download the source package, verify shasum and asc - Follow the README.md to build and run the Pulsar Node.js client. The release candidate package has been published to the npm registry: https://www.npmjs.com/package/pulsar-client/v/1.13.1-rc.1 You can install it by `npm i pulsar-client@1.13.1-rc.1 --pulsar_binary_host_mirror=https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/pulsar/pulsar-client-node/` and verify the package. The vote will be open for at least 72 hours. It is adopted by majority approval, with at least 3 PMC affirmative votes. Source files: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/pulsar/pulsar-client-node/pulsar-client-node-1.13.1-rc.1/ Pulsar's KEYS file containing PGP keys we use to sign the release: https://downloads.apache.org/pulsar/KEYS SHA-512 checksum: 65a5dcc112ca158e41c5ec737fe84535f269b0644f2d406711bbc40dd8fbba7a553bd2b5c6925d0b775e26d660e4554b661896a8948d2f8aacd8b65fbabd73a7 ./apache-pulsar-client-node-1.13.1.tar.gz The tag to be voted upon: v1.13.1-rc.1 https://github.com/apache/pulsar-client-node/releases/tag/v1.13.1-rc.1 Please review and vote on the release candidate #1 for the version 1.13.1, as follows: [ ] +1, Approve the release [ ] -1, Do not approve the release (please provide specific comments) Thanks, Baodi Shi