Sounds good!

Thank you for driving the release process.

On 2025/02/12 08:52:50 Lari Hotari wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd like to discuss initiating the next set of Pulsar releases
> (3.0.10, 3.3.5, and 4.0.3) due to a recently disclosed high-severity
> security vulnerability in Netty (CVE-2025-24970). Netty has released
> version 4.1.118.Final which contains the fix.
> The CVE-2025-24970 vulnerability details [1] summarized:
> - A specially crafted packet received via SslHandler can lead to a
> native crash when using native SSLEngine
> - Due to the crash behavior, this is categorized as a
> denial-of-service vulnerability
> - This impacts Pulsar brokers and proxies that use native SSL
> implementation (default setting)
> - CVSS Score: 7.5 (High)
> - Fixed in Netty 4.1.118.Final
> While this primarily affects broker and proxy components, many
> enterprise users will need an updated client due to vulnerability
> scanning and security policies that flag the vulnerable Netty
> dependency.
> Important reminder: As documented in the Apache Pulsar Helm chart
> (,
> Pulsar components including the Pulsar Proxy are not designed for
> direct exposure to the public internet. Deployments should be
> protected by appropriate network perimeter security measures. This
> architectural assumption is particularly relevant given the nature of
> this vulnerability.
> I propose the following timeline:
> - Release candidates by February 14th, 2025
> - Releases by February 21th, 2025
> I'm volunteering to be the release manager for these releases.
> Please let me know if you have any concerns or feedback on this plan.
> Best regards,
> Lari Hotari
> 1 - For technical details on CVE-2025-24970, see:

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