+1(binding) - verfied checksum - verified install whl with python3.13 and macOS 15.2 - verified producer and consumer
Thanks, Baodi Shi Yunze Xu <x...@apache.org> 于2025年1月24日周五 17:10写道: > > This is the 2nd release candidate for Apache Pulsar Client Python, > version 3.6.0. > > It fixes the following issues: > https://github.com/apache/pulsar-client-python/milestone/7?closed=1 > > *** Please download, test and vote on this release. This vote will > stay open for at least 72 hours *** > > Python wheels: > https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/pulsar/pulsar-client-python-3.6.0-candidate-2/ > > The supported python versions are 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12 and 3.13. The > supported platforms and architectures are: > - Windows x86_64 (windows/) > - glibc-based Linux x86_64 (linux-glibc-x86_64/) > - glibc-based Linux arm64 (linux-glibc-arm64/) > - musl-based Linux x86_64 (linux-musl-x86_64/) > - musl-based Linux arm64 (linux-musl-arm64/) > - macOS universal 2 (macos/) > > You can download the wheel (the `.whl` file) according to your own OS > and Python version > and install the wheel: > - Windows: `py -m pip install *.whl --force-reinstall` > - Linux or macOS: `python3 -m pip install *.whl --force-reinstall` > > The tag to be voted upon: v3.6.0-candidate-2 > (f245126ad67dded6d40d85f23f70a62f818c1afe) > https://github.com/apache/pulsar-client-python/releases/tag/v3.6.0-candidate-2 > > Pulsar's KEYS file containing PGP keys you use to sign the release: > https://downloads.apache.org/pulsar/KEYS > > Please download the Python wheels and follow the README to test.