Dear Pulsar PMC,

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Warm regards,

> On Dec 16, 2024, at 14:37, Chris Bono <> wrote:
> The Apache Pulsar team is proud to announce the Reactive client for
> Apache Pulsar, version 0.5.10.
> The Reactive client for Apache Pulsar can be used together with any
> Reactive Streams implementation on the JVM. Examples include Project
> Reactor / Spring Reactive, Akka Streams, RxJava 3, Vert.x, SmallRye
> Mutiny (RedHat/Quarkus), ServiceTalk and others. (Reactive Streams to
> JDK Flow adapters might be needed in some cases.)
> Reactive programming is about non-blocking applications that are
> asynchronous and event-driven and require a small number of threads to
> scale.
> The Reactive client for Apache Pulsar supports non-blocking, reactive
> & asynchronous back pressure for producing and consuming messages.
> The library provides an interface module "pulsar-client-reactive-api"
> that abstracts the Reactive client API. This interface is currently
> implemented by wrapping the Apache Pulsar Java client and adapting the
> existing asynchronous Java API to the Reactive client API. The
> decoupled reactive interfaces makes it possible to implement a fully
> native reactive client in the future.
> Source package is available for download at
> Maven packages are available in Maven central. Please check
> for usage
> with Maven or Gradle builds.
> Release Notes are at:
> We would like to thank the contributors that made the release possible.
> Regards,
> The Pulsar Team

Craig L Russell

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