Thanks for driving this Jiwei.
This will be useful in addressing the current challenge with concurrent 
Is this targeted for Pulsar 4.0?


On 2024/09/26 14:04:35 guo jiwei wrote:
> Hello,
> I have created a PIP for supporting granting/revoking permissions for
> multiple topics.
> In AuthorizationProvider, the authorization interface
> `grantPermissionAsync(TopicName topicName, Set<AuthAction> actions, String
> role, String authDataJson)` currently only supports granting permissions to
> a single topic.
> If multiple topics need to be authorized under a namespace, the client
> needs to call the authorization interface concurrently.
> Since the permissions information are stored in the namespace-level
> policies, and multiple topics may be on different brokers, concurrent
> authorization will cause concurrent modification exceptions.
> Therefore, supporting granting/revoking permissions for multiple topics is
> very friendly.
> PIP-383:
> Regards
> Jiwei Guo (Tboy)

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