The vote is approved with 3 binding votes and close now.
- Kai Wang(non-binding)
- Yunze Xu(binding)
- guo jiwei(binding)
- Yubiao Feng(binding)

Thank you all for verifying and voting!
Wenzhi Feng.

On 2024/06/06 07:19:34 Yubiao Feng wrote:
> +1 binding
> Thanks
> Yubiao Feng
&gt; On Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 10:33?6?2AM thetumbled <> wrote:
&gt; &gt; Hi, Pulsar Community.
&gt; &gt;   I would like to start the voting thread for PIP-357: Correct the 
&gt; &gt; name in load balance module.
&gt; &gt;   Proposal PR:
&gt; &gt;   Implementation PR:
&gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; Thanks,
&gt; &gt; Wenzhi Feng(thetumbled).

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