Hi Dave and Xiangying, Thanks for all your support. Let me add some background.
Apache Paimon take message queue as External Log Systems and changelog of Paimon can also be consumed from message queue. By default, change-log of message queue in Paimon are visible to consumers only after a snapshot. Snapshot have a same life cycle as message queue transactions. However, users can immediately consume change-log by read uncommited message without waiting for the next snapshot. This behavior reduces the latency of changelog, but it relies on reading uncommited message in Kafka or other message queue. So we hope Pulsar can support Read Uncommitted isolation level. Put aside the application scenarios of Paimon. Let's discuss Read Uncommitted isolation level itself. Read Uncommitted isolation will bring certain security risks, but will also make the message immediately readable. Reading submitted data can ensure accuracy, and reading uncommitted data can ensure real-time performance (there may be some repeated message or dirty message). Real-time performance is what users need. How to handle dirty message should be considered by the application side. We can still get complete and accurate data from Read Committed isolation level. Sincerely yours.