Please find the response inline.

On Wed, Jun 21, 2023 at 5:53 PM PengHui Li <> wrote:

> > However, stats retrieval over HTTP API doesn’t work well in use cases
> when users would like to access this API at a higher scale when a large
> number of application nodes would like to use it over HTTP which could
> overload brokers and sometimes makes broker irresponsive and impact admin
> API performance. It’s also become difficult when Pulsar is deployed in the
> cloud behind the SNI proxy and applications also want to access large-scale
> stats information periodically over different HTTP port instead it would be
> better if applications can fetch stats over on same binary protocol for
> scalability and accessibility reasons.
> From the motivation of the proposal, resolving the performance issue with
> the REST API
> is the goal. Sorry, I haven't run a benchmark for the REST API, have you
> tested it or could
> you please figure out where is the bottleneck with the REST API solution?
> And if users use
> the new approach, what is the performance expectation here, get a 30% or
> 50% improvement?
>> Main reasons are performance (you will see improvement due to http
overhead compare to tcp, limited threads on http-server side and definitely
performance compare to netty-tcp vs http-jetty server), user feasibility
(same reason why we have producer/consumer stats using binary protocol
where user can get the stats from the same producer/consumer entity without
having additional client creation for the stats), scale (allowing large
number of requests over binary protocol compare to http is more scalable).

> And I'm not sure why it is difficult to fetch the stats behind the SNI
> proxy, could you please explain
> more? It will be helpful for the reviewers to understand the issue we want
> to resolve.
>> SNI is layer-4 tcp layer protocol and does not support over the http.

> For the client side API changes. You have InternalStatsOption as a param of
> the method, but
> I don't see any definition for it. It should be enum? And why not have a
> pojo for it? It will be
> more easier for users to know what should be set and what should not.
I have added that param map after our last discussion which will be enum
to pass additional flags.

> For the response data. The JSON string is not good for compatibility. And I
> saw the discussion
> in the DISCUSSION thread from you and Enrico. But it's not a guaranteed
> solution from the API's
> perspective. And for any other clients, cpp, go, rust, they must build
> their own pojo based on
> the REST API.
Well JSON would be the better option to avoid data conversion and copy for
complex stats/internal-stats complex data-structures at broker and client
side, maintaining consistency between stats/internal-stats pojo-schema, and
accessing stats with consistent pojo definition.

> Thanks,
> Penghui
> On Tue, Jun 20, 2023 at 3:06 PM Rajan Dhabalia <>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I would like to start VOTE for :
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Rajan
> >

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