Hi, Pulsar developers’ community!
At the recent Pulsar Virtual Summit Europe 2023, we introduced the major pulsar.apache.org site redesign. We believe that it makes a good first impression of the Apache Pulsar and helps to attract more users and contributors to the project in the long term. In the next few days, we are going to introduce a new "How does Pulsar work" section to the homepage. Beautiful informative illustration designed by Emidio Cardeira gives a high-level understanding of Pulsar building blocks and their relations. Under the illustration, we placed a brief description purpose of each of the building blocks. Live demo: https://pulsar-site-git-how-pulsar-work-screen-teal-tools.vercel.app/ PR: https://github.com/apache/pulsar-site/pull/614 Thanks Asaf Mesika for curating the site redesign project and tison for reviewing the PRs. Currently, we are working on new Pulsar Community and Pulsar Features pages. You can track the design progress and leave your comments in Figma: - https://www.figma.com/file/0jERoA2DTlfQoj1uH09FxQ/Pulsar-website?node-id=368-658&t=8e5jjfIqCrgtRy9w-0 - https://www.figma.com/file/0jERoA2DTlfQoj1uH09FxQ/Pulsar-website?type=design&node-id=1223-1864&t=aoWstTjkAYfo5Top-0 Also, if you want to share your thoughts on content, and how to show and explain Pulsar concepts in an easy to understand way, please do it in this mailing list or join the #pip_249 channel in the Apache Pulslar community Slack. Best, Kiryl