There is no better place to surface various “To dos” than in an email thread 
with an optional link to a GitHub issue or discussion. Any other place might be 
hard to find in future years.


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> On Jun 14, 2023, at 8:11 AM, Asaf Mesika <> wrote:
> Fully understand.
> How about a roadmap that primarily conveys general plans we see and agree
> upon as a community?
> Of course, it wouldn't contain any dates (not even years).
> Maybe we can use that to reflect the "half-ness" / progress bar of certain
> features that were left unfinished?
> Here's an example from stuff I saw in recent years:
> 1.
> 2. As this is brainstorming, there is also an option to do it on the GitHub
> board, but I'm wondering whether it's good or bad.
>> On Wed, Jun 14, 2023 at 11:19 AM Enrico Olivelli <>
>> wrote:
>> Asaf,
>> Il Dom 4 Giu 2023, 15:37 Asaf Mesika <> ha scritto:
>>> Hi,
>>> Do we have a place we manage future Pulsar roadmap? Big ticket items,
>>> smaller ticket ones?
>>> I mean, I know we have GitHub issues, but that’s a forest.
>>> I was wondering if we have created a way to display those as a roadmap,
>> or
>>> hierarchy?
>> In my experience with OSS projects in the ASF I have seen a few times
>> tentatives of setting up 'roadmaps'. Every time I have seen failures.
>> This is because an OSS project in the ASF lives thanks to volunteers and
>> contributions.
>> There is no central government and you cannot set a roadmap.
>> When you are in a company with a strict organization you can set deadlines
>> and direction, this cannot happen in OSS.
>> Many times we see that there are interesting features that are not fully
>> completed.
>> Don't get me wrong, I think that it will be great to have a direction but
>> simply this cannot happen when you only have volunteers.
>> We have the PIP process and we have our convention and best practices but
>> nobody can predict which features will be added in the mid/long term.
>> My two cents
>> Enrico
>>> Thanks,
>>> Asaf

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