Hi community, I see the code freeze of Pulsar 3.0.0 is coming tomorrow. But I found the release process still lacks a key step that pending PRs should be taken carefully of instead of simply delaying them to the next release.
The following cases were very often seen: 1. A PR has opened for some days and no one reviewed it. 2. A reviewer left some comments and the author disappeared for some time. 3. The author of a PR has addressed the requested changes but the reviewer has disappeared for some time. As we know, Apache committers are volunteers and have their own jobs. So the cases above are all acceptable. However, before a release, I think the release managers must take the responsibility to handle the cases above. IMO, we must address the cases about (at least 1 and 3 are controllable) one week in advance. If the PR cannot be merged due to the disappearance of the author, it's okay to delay it to the next release. But the release managers should address the PRs actively. They can help review the PRs. Or at least, - for case 1: they can ping some committers that are familiar with the scope of the PR to review it. - for case 2: they can ping the author - for case 3: they can ping the reviewer I see Zike noticed the time point of the code freeze last week: https://lists.apache.org/thread/tczgh4y8lcy2y85652vkctbkcrs40nq4. But there is no clear process for how to process the pending PRs before the code freeze. Thanks, Yunze