+1, good idea!


Zike Yang <z...@apache.org> 于2023年2月21日周二 11:33写道:

> Hi, all
> Currently, the Pulsar broker uses the field `client_version` to get
> the version of the client. The client will send the client_version to
> the broker through `CommandConnect` [0] during the connect or
> `CommandAuthResponse ` [1] during the auth challenge. We could get the
> client_version from the admin using `pulsar-admin topics stats xxx`
> [2].
> But the `client_version ` only shows the version information. And
> clients in different languages use their own separate version numbers.
> This can lead to conflict. For example, the java client 2.10.2 uses
> the same value `2.10.2` as the C++ client 2.10.2. And C++ client 3.0.0
> may conflict with the future java client 3.0.0. The information of
> `client_version` is incomplete. We could not determine what
> language(or specific library) the client uses. This raises
> inconvenience for debugging.
> I would like to propose adding the client language information to the
> `client_version`. Like:
> * `java-2.11.1` for Java client 2.11
> * `cpp-3.1.2` for C++ client 3.1.2
> * `go-0.9.0` for go client 0.9.0
> We can easily do that because the `client_version` is a string type.
> In addition, the Nodejs client and Python client all use the
> client_version of C++ client they depend on. So it will use `3.1.2` as
> the client_verion in Nodejs client 1.8.0. This is incorrect, and I
> think we need to fix them. We don't need to print the C++ client
> version because we can get that information if we know the Nodejs or
> Python client version.
> What do you think? Please share your thoughts if you have any ideas.
> [0]
> https://github.com/apache/pulsar/blob/e0b50c9ec5f12d0fb8275f235d8ac00e87a9099e/pulsar-common/src/main/proto/PulsarApi.proto#L269
> [1]
> https://github.com/apache/pulsar/blob/e0b50c9ec5f12d0fb8275f235d8ac00e87a9099e/pulsar-common/src/main/proto/PulsarApi.proto#L309
> [2] https://pulsar.apache.org/docs/next/admin-api-topics/#get-stats
> Thanks,
> Zike Yang

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