
To add more about the backward incompatibility issue

Before fix:
% ./bin/pulsar-admin topics partitioned-stats persistent://public/default/pt
  "publishers" : [ {
    "msgRateIn" : 0.0,
    "msgThroughputIn" : 0.0,
    "averageMsgSize" : 0.0,
    "chunkedMessageRate" : 0.0,
    "producerId" : 0,
    "supportsPartialProducer" : false
  } ],

After fix:
% ./bin/pulsar-admin topics partitioned-stats persistent://public/default/pt
  "publishers" : [ {
    "msgRateIn" : 0.0,
    "msgThroughputIn" : 0.0,
    "averageMsgSize" : 0.0,
    "chunkedMessageRate" : 0.0,
    "producerId" : 0,
    "supportsPartialProducer" : true,
    "producerName" : "standalone-0-1"
  }, {
    "msgRateIn" : 0.0,
    "msgThroughputIn" : 0.0,
    "averageMsgSize" : 0.0,
    "chunkedMessageRate" : 0.0,
    "producerId" : 0,
    "supportsPartialProducer" : true,
    "producerName" : "standalone-0-0"
  } ],

The broker side's producer name generation has been there since this PR
ProducerName was automatically generated in this format
{clusterName}-{brokerInstanceId}-{producerNameGenerationCounter} until 2.10.
So, a producer to a partitioned topic(2) results in the two producer names,
like the following.

And since 2.10, by default, partitioned producers have the same producer
name between partitions by this PR
<https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/10279>(generated on the client side).

Hence, the impacted versions(backward incompatibility issue
<https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/18254#issuecomment-1311168182>) by
the proposed fix(Option 1 below) are < 2.10.

When we aggregate stats between partitions, the default(
aggregatePublisherStatsByProducerName=false) aggregates the producer stats
by the index of the producer stat list from each partition. So, when lucky,
it could output a single producer stat. However, this method can be buggy,
as each partition could return a different size and index of the
producer stat list.

To fix the original issue(described here
<https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/18254>), I think we have the
following options.

Option 1(proposed): Deprecate aggregatePublisherStatsByProducerName (the
current PR here <https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/18254>) in the next
release and live with behavior change where we get `topics
partitioned-stats` per-producer-and-partition from old clients(Ver. <2.10),
instead of stats per-producer.

Option 2: Defer the Option 1 fix and push it to the next major
version(3.0.0), as this is a breaking change.

Option 3: Keep aggregatePublisherStatsByProducerName config but change the
default to aggregatePublisherStatsByProducerName=true.

Option 4: As a long-term fix, create separate Admin-APIs for publisher and
subscription stats and drop their stats from `topics partitioned-stats` as
it is expensive to aggregate them on the fly. (for thousands of publishers
and subscriptions). Push this change to the next major version.

Or other suggestions?


On Mon, Nov 14, 2022 at 7:56 PM Heesung Sohn <heesung.s...@streamnative.io>

> Dear Pulsar Community,
> We recently found a bug in `pulsar-admin topics partitioned-stats api` that
> could incur a memory burst, high GC time, or OOM.
> For this issue, I proposed a fix
> <https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/18254> by deprecating the 
> aggregatePublisherStatsByProducerName
> config and always aggregating the publishers' stats by publisherName,
> instead of the list index(aggregatePublisherStatsByProducerName=false,
> default).
>    -  The index-based aggregation is inherently wrong in a highly
>    concurrent producer environment(where the order and size of the publisher
>    stat list are not guaranteed to be the same). The publisher stats need to
>    be aggregated by a unique key, preferably the producer
>    name(aggregatePublisherStatsByProducerName=true).
> However, this fix will break some of the old client's compatibility since
> the way Pulsar generates the producer name has changed over time, as
> described here
> <https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/18254#issuecomment-1311168182>.
> As I replied here
> <https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/18254#issuecomment-1312084363>, 
> although
> it is not desirable, I think we could be lenient on this change in the stat
> API response(assuming thispublishers'stat struct is used for human admins
> only for ad-hoc checks).
> Are we OK with this non-backward-compatible fix for some of the old
> clients? Or, do you have any other suggestions?
> One idea for a long-term fix could be:
> When there are thousands of producers(consumers) for a
> (partitioned-)topic, it is expensive to aggregate each
> publisher(subscriptions)'s stats on-the-fly across the brokers. Alternatively,
> for the next major version, I think we could further define
> producers(subscriptions)' API like the below and drop the publishers and
> subscriptions structs from topics (partitioned-)stats returns.
> pulsar-admin publishers list my-topic --last-pagination-key xyz
> pulsar-admin publishers stats my-producer
> # similarly for subscriptions
> Regards,
> Heesung

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