GitHub user harissecic added a comment to the discussion: Support for long running message consumer
Stumbled upon this looking for another answer. However in case it helps anyone I'll leave a comment. For such cases I guess it's possible to combine DLQ with ackTimeout. Default value I use is 3. Although I don't use auto-ack I guess it will still work the same way. If message times-out 3 times (in this case) it will automatically go to Dead Letter Queue. This will prevent it to loop endlessly between services. My example is that I'm building up a module for a framework. Now in such case I don't do ackTimeout but let users set it if they want to. However, I do by default set 3 retries before DLQ. Reason was personal experience where it endlessly looped my test message to the shared consumers and I got error logs all the time and couldn't figure it out. Then I realised well message is simply getting negativeAck from each consumer and then redelivered all the time but funny thing is it was malformed JSON message so consumers were doomed to crash (validations falied for previously nulla ble thing in kotlin that I moved to non-null). When I set up DLQ to 3 I had some messages fail and then get re-read due to timeout for ack. But combining DLQ, ackTimeout, and shared consumers I think you can set timeout pretty low if processing data takes less time and you do manual ACK as soon as it's done. GitHub link: ---- This is an automatically sent email for To unsubscribe, please send an email to: