GitHub user startjava added a comment to the discussion: How to achieve the effect of maximum delay time in retransmission backoff mechanism
@codelipenghui ``` @RequestMapping("sendMessage5") public String sendMessage5() throws PulsarClientException { String messageValue = "我是消息"; producer3.send(messageValue); return "成功生产5"; } ``` ``` @Component public class MyMessageListener2 implements MessageListener { @Override public void received(Consumer consumer, Message msg) { String messageValue = new String(msg.getData()); messageValue = messageValue.split("\\_")[0]; System.out.println("timeList.add(\"" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "\");"); consumer.negativeAcknowledge(msg); } } ``` ``` @Bean public Consumer createPulsarConsumer_myTopic2() throws PulsarClientException { Consumer consumer = pulsarClient.newConsumer().topic(myTopic2).subscriptionName(myTopic2_subscriptionName).messageListener(myMessageListener2).subscriptionType(SubscriptionType.Shared).negativeAckRedeliveryBackoff(MultiplierRedeliveryBackoff.builder() .minDelayMs(1000) .maxDelayMs(60 * 1000) .build()).subscribe(); return consumer; } ``` run result the intervals are as follows: 1080 2389 4297 8500 16284 32255 60067 but doc url: say +10s,but i run result no +10s, i code wrong or doc wrong ?? thank you ! GitHub link: ---- This is an automatically sent email for To unsubscribe, please send an email to: