Given the past experiences and the discussions that already happened
around "PIP-175: Extend time based release process", the idea is to
detach the 3.0 from "big-features" items or "incompatible changes".

The changes are going to get included as they are ready, within
feature releases, and in a fully compatible way. We don't need to
group them together and create unnecessary risk for the release
schedule and the users.

Matteo Merli

On Fri, Oct 7, 2022 at 10:47 AM Lari Hotari <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Greeting from ApacheCon North America 2022 from New Orleans!
> We had a great conference with a dedicated Pulsar track. Thanks to all 
> presenters and everyone who attended. The talks weren't recorded, but the 
> slides will be later on posted on the conference website [1].
> At ApacheCon there were several presentations about "the Apache way" and what 
> that means in practice. Based on that, we all know that no person is 
> nominated as the CTO of Apache Pulsar who decides on Pulsar 3.0 and when that 
> happens. It's us, the community, that serve that role together. We come 
> together as individuals with the Apache hat on. Everyone is equal in the 
> community, regardless of whether they are contributors, committers or PMC 
> members.
> We welcome everyone to participate. The small detail about voting shouldn't 
> stop anyone from participating in any aspects of the planning for the roadmap.
> I'll like to get the discussions going for Pulsar 3.0. We don't need a 
> separate decision to start planning that. Please correct me if I'm wrong or 
> if you have a different opinion.
> There are a few previous discussion threads that are related to Pulsar 3.0 
> planning.
> If you are interested in getting involved with Apache Pulsar 3.0 planning, I 
> think that it makes sense for you to read these threads carefully and reply 
> to them. Please also suggest what you think makes sense.
> PIP-45 related: 
> Pulsar Load balancer / namespace bundle related:
> renaming topics:
> backpressure:
> Long list of Metadata inconsistency issues by Zac Bentley:
> That would be a good starting point to understanding the data inconsistency 
> issues related to current PIP-45 design. Perhaps those could be addressed 
> already before Pulsar 3.0?
> I'm looking forward to everyone's participation in the Apache Pulsar 3.0 
> planning discussions.
> Best Regards,
> -Lari
> 1 -

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