GitHub user Jason918 added a comment to the discussion: Need max redelivery count at message level.
Have you set `deadLetterPolicy` in `ConsumerBuilder` ? It must be set before you can call `reconsumeLater()`. And once you do, it will create its own retry topic and DLQ with default settings. You can also define your own DLQ in the deadLetterPolicy. Basically, you can set `DeadLetterPolicy#maxRedeliverCount` to a very large number, and `DeadLetterPolicy#deadLetterTopic` to your own dead letter topic. Once you decide one message should goes to DLQ, you send it manually with your own DLQ producer. > Also, one more question is, if a consumer goes down due to some issues, does > the messages get replayed back from the main queue or the retry topic queue? Yes, as long as the message is not acked and not exceeded backlog quota or retention policy. It will get replayed. GitHub link: ---- This is an automatically sent email for To unsubscribe, please send an email to: