Hi all, Recently I'm working on the release of 2.8.4 and it's near the vote of the 1st candidate but I have some questions.
From the tutorial [1] we can see, the 8th step is "Run the vote". However, the 7th step is "Write release notes", should we execute this step later? I see the 16th step is also "Write release notes" but the 16th step at the beginning of "Release workflow" section is "Update the site". In addition, I found the previous candidate [2] includes the docker images, which is not included in the template of the 8th step "Run the vote". It seems to be the 10th step "Publish Docker Images". It seems that the documents are not maintained well, which really makes me confused. Therefore, before voting for the 1st candidate, I want to get some clarifications from the mail list. [1] https://github.com/apache/pulsar/wiki/Release-process [2] https://lists.apache.org/thread/q0g5ko617rb77b1wqpxy94ks5mq48d88 Thanks, Yunze