Hi Pulsar community:

I open a pip to discuss "No batching if only one message in batch"

Proposal Link: https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/16619


## Motivation

The original discussion mail :

linked issue: https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/16547

Introduce the ability for producers to publish a non-batched message if
there is only one message in the batch.

It is useful to save the `SingleMessageMetadata` space in entry  and reduce
workload of consumers to deserialize the `SingleMessageMetadata`,
 especially  when sometimes there is an amount of batched messages with
only one real message.

## API Changes

When this feature is applied, the returned type of `MessageId` may not be
`BatchMessageIdImpl`,  even if we have set the `enableBatching` as true. It
is because the producer will publish a single message  as a non-batched
message.  Also, the consumer will deserialize the entry as a non-batched
message,  which will receive a message with normal `MessageIdImpl` but not

So this may cause  `((BatchMessageIdImpl) messageId)` throw
`ClassCastException`.  we need to add a switch for the producer to enable
or disable this feature

ProducerBuilder<T> batchingSingleMessage(boolean batchingSingleMessage);
 // default value is true


## Implementation

For `BatchMessageContainerImpl` :
public OpSendMsg createOpSendMsg() throws IOException {
        if (!producer.conf.isBatchingSingleMessage() && messages.size() ==
1) {
             // If only one message,  create OpSendMsg as non-batched

       // ....

For `BatchMessageKeyBasedContainer`,  there is no need to change, because
it uses `BatchMessageContainerImpl` to create `OpSendMsg`

## Reject Alternatives

- Always return `BatchMessageIdImpl` when `enableBatching` is set as true,
even if publish single message  with a non-batched message.
Rejection reason: Consumer have to deserialize to check if there is
`SingleMessageMetadata` from the payload

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