Hi team,

We're updating [1] the "Meet the Community" info [2] since the current info
is obsolete.

Several questions on how to show the info:


Q1: only show PMC members and add a tip?


a. Nowadays, we have more and more PMC members (30 in total) and committers
(62 in total) while many of them are inactive.

b. If we show them all, the list on the website would be very long as they
are growing all the time.

c. How about showing only PMC members and adding a tip?
The tip can be: For the complete and up-to-date list of PMC members and
committers, see [Apache Pulsar Committee](

d. Similar cases are Cassandra [3] and Flink [4].


Q2: show organizations or not?


a. `org` is in the team.js file [5]. Shall we show organizations on the
Pulsar website?

b.1 Showing

- Pros: It demonstrates that Pulsar is a diverse community because people are
from various organizations.

- Cons: Organization info needs to be collected and added manually

- Example: Spark [6]

b.2 Not showing

- Pros: people work as individuals to make contributions to Pulsar (weaken


Feel free to comment, thank you!

[1] https://github.com/apache/pulsar-site/pull/132
[1] https://pulsar.apache.org/community#section-community
[3] https://cassandra.apache.org/_/community.html#meet-the-community
[4] https://flink.apache.org/community.html#people
[6] https://spark.apache.org/committers.html

Yu and Wenqing

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