Hi Pulsar community:

I open a pip to discuss "Shadow Topic, an alternative way to support readonly 
topic ownership."

Proposal Link: https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/16153


## Motivation

The motivation is the same as PIP-63[1], with a new broadcast use case of
supporting 100K subscriptions in a single topic.
1. The bandwidth of a broker limits the number of subscriptions for a single
2. Subscriptions are competing for the network bandwidth on brokers. Different
   subscriptions might have different levels of severity.
3. When synchronizing cross-city message reading, cross-city access needs to
   be minimized.
4. [New] Broadcast with 100K subscriptions. There is a limitation of the
   subscription number of a single topic. It's tested by Hongjie from NTT Lab
   that with 40K subscriptions in a single topic, the client needs about 20min
   to start all client connections, and under 1 msg/s message producer rate,
   the average end to end latency is about 2.9s. And for 100K subscriptions,
   the time of start connection and E2E latency is beyond consideration.

However, it's too complicated to implement with original PIP-63 proposal, the
changed code is already over 3K+ lines, see PR#11960[2], and there are still
some problems left,
1. The LAC in readonly topic is updated in a polling pattern, which increases
   the bookie load bookie.
2. The message data of readonly topic won't be cached in broker. Increase the
   network usage between broker and bookie when there are more than one
   subscriber is tail-reading.
3. All the subscriptions is managed in original writable-topic, so the support
   max subscription number is not scaleable.

This PIP tries to come up with a simpler solution to support readonly topic
ownership and solve the problems the previous PR left. The main idea of this
solution is to reuse the feature of geo-replication, but instead of
duplicating storage, it shares underlying bookie ledgers between different

## Goal

The goal is to introduce **Shadow Topic** as a new type of topic to support
readonly topic ownership. Just as its name implies, a shadow topic is the
shadow of some normal persistent topic (let's call it source topic here). The
source topic and the shadow topic must have the same number of partitions or
both non-partitioned. Multiply shadow topics can be created from a source

Shadow topic shares the underlying bookie ledgers from its source topic. User
can't produce any messages to shadow topic directly and shadow topic don't
create any new ledger for messages, all messages in shadow topic come from
source topic.

Shadow topic have its own subscriptions and don't share with its source topic.
This means the shadow topic have its own cursor ledger to store persistent
mark-delete info for each persistent subscriptions.

The message sync procedure of shadow topic is supported by shadow replication,
which is very like geo-replication, with these difference:
1. Geo-replication only works between topic with the same name in different
   broker clusters. But shadow topic have no naming limitation and they can be
   in the same cluster.
2. Geo-replication duplicates data storage, but shadow topic don't.
3. Geo-replication replicates data from each other, it's bidirectional, but
   shadow replication only have one way data flow.

## API Changes

1. PulsarApi.proto.

Shadow topic need to know the original message id of the replicated messages,
in order to update new ledger and lac. So we need add a `shadow_message_id` in
CommandSend for replicator.

message CommandSend { // ... // message id for shadow topic optional
   MessageIdData shadow_message_id = 9; }

2. Admin API for creating shadow topic with source topic
   admin.topics().createShadowTopic(source-topic-name, shadow-topic-name)

## Implementation

A picture showing key components relations is added in github issue [3].

There are two key changes for implementation.
1. How to replicate messages to shadow topics.
2. How shadow topic manage shared ledgers info.

### 1. How to replicate messages to shadow topics. 

This part is mostly implemented by `ShadowReplicator`, which extends
`PersistentReplicator` introduced in geo-replication. The shadow topic list
is added as a new topic policy of the source topic. Source topic manage the
lifecycle of all the replicators. The key is to add `shadow_message_id` when
produce message to shadow topics.

### 2. How shadow topic manage shared ledgers info. 

This part is mostly implemented by `ShadowManagedLedger`, which extends
current `ManagedLedgerImpl` with two key override methods.

1. `initialize(..)`
a. Fetch ManagedLedgerInfo of source topic instead of current shadow topic.
   The source topic name is stored in the topic policy of the shadow topic.
b. Open the last ledger and read the explicit LAC from bookie, instead of
   creating new ledger. Reading LAC here requires that the source topic must
   enable explicit LAC feature by set `bookkeeperExplicitLacIntervalInMills`
   to non-zero value in broker.conf.
c. Do not start checkLedgerRollTask, which tries roll over ledger periodically

2. `internalAsyncAddEntry()` Instead of write entry data to bookie, It only
   update metadata of ledgers, like `currentLedger`, `lastConfirmedEntry` and
   put the replicated message into `EntryCache`.

Besides, some other problems need to be taken care of.
- Any ledger metadata updates need to be synced to shadow topic, including
  ledger offloading or ledger deletion. Shadow topic needs to watch the ledger
  info updates with metadata store and update in time.
- The local cached LAC of `LedgerHandle` won't updated in time, so we need
  refresh LAC when a managed cursor requests entries beyond known LAC.

## Reject Alternatives

See PIP-63[1].

## Reference 
[2] https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/11960 
[3] https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/16153

Haiting Jiang

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