There is a background flush process that was added for this precise reason.

In broker.conf
# How frequently to flush the cursor positions that were accumulated
due to rate limiting. (seconds).
# Default is 60 seconds

Matteo Merli

On Wed, Jun 15, 2022 at 8:45 AM Asaf Mesika <> wrote:
> Hi,
> In the Managed Cursor implementation, I saw that the position state is
> persisted in the ledger whenever a user calls acknowledge, be it individual
> or cumulative.
> For performance reasons there is a rate limiter, defaulting to 1 persist
> action per second.
> The bug:
> 17:00:00.003 - user ack a single message --> state it written to ledger
> 17:00:00.004 - 17:00:00.400 - use acks a single message 100 times.
> nothing happens after that on that subscription.
> 18:00 - machine crashed.
> You "lost" the state hence 100 messages have to be redelivered.
> I was wondering if it makes sense to add a timeout - say 10sec. If nothing
> happens to the subscription, flush the state after 10sec if it's dirty.

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