Thanks for your update. I will continue to release 2.9.3


On Sat, 4 Jun 2022 at 04:04, Dave Fisher <> wrote:

> > On Jun 2, 2022, at 11:55 PM, mattison chao <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Dave Fisher,
> >
> >> There are some PRs that are coming in that must be included.
> >
> > How's the progress on these PRs?
> They are merged.
> Regards,
> Dave
> >
> > Best,
> > Mattison
> >
> > On Wed, 25 May 2022 at 21:33, Just do it <>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> +1
> >> Thanks,
> >> Dezhi
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ------------------ Original ------------------
> >> From: Hang Chen <;
> >> Date: Wed,May 25,2022 9:10 AM
> >> To: dev <;
> >> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Apache Pulsar 2.9.3 release
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> +1
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Hang
> >>
> >> Dave Fisher <; 于2022年5月25日周三 04:18写道:
> >> &gt;
> >> &gt; There are some PRs that are coming in that must be included.
> >> &gt;
> >> &gt; Thanks,
> >> &gt; Dave
> >> &gt;
> >> &gt;
> >> &gt; &gt; On May 23, 2022, at 4:29 AM, PengHui Li <
> &gt;
> >> wrote:
> >> &gt; &gt;
> >> &gt; &gt; +1
> >> &gt; &gt;
> >> &gt; &gt; Thanks
> >> &gt; &gt; Penghui
> >> &gt; &gt;
> >> &gt; &gt; On Mon, May 23, 2022 at 3:31 PM mattison chao <
> >>;
> >> &gt; &gt; wrote:
> >> &gt; &gt;
> >> &gt; &gt;&gt; Hello, Pulsar community:
> >> &gt; &gt;&gt;
> >> &gt; &gt;&gt; I'd like to propose to release Apache Pulsar 2.9.3
> >> &gt; &gt;&gt;
> >> &gt; &gt;&gt; Currently, we have 192 commits [0] and there are many
> >> transaction
> >> &gt; &gt;&gt; fixes, security fixes.
> >> &gt; &gt;&gt;
> >> &gt; &gt;&gt; And there are 22 open PRs [1], I will follow them to make
> >> sure that
> >> &gt; &gt;&gt; the important fixes could be contained in 2.9.3
> >> &gt; &gt;&gt;
> >> &gt; &gt;&gt; If you have any important fixes or any questions,
> >> &gt; &gt;&gt; please reply to this email, we will evaluate whether to
> >> &gt; &gt;&gt; include it in 2.9.3
> >> &gt; &gt;&gt;
> >> &gt; &gt;&gt; [0]
> >> &gt; &gt;&gt;
> >> &gt; &gt;&gt;
> >>
> >> &gt
> >> <
> >;
> >> &gt;&gt; [1]
> >> &gt; &gt;&gt;
> >> &gt; &gt;&gt;
> >>
> >> &gt
> >> <
> >;
> >> &gt;&gt;
> >> &gt; &gt;&gt; Best Regards
> >> &gt; &gt;&gt; Mattison
> >> &gt; &gt;&gt;
> >> &gt;

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