+1 (non-binding)


On 2022/05/10 08:46:26 Zixuan Liu wrote:
> Hi Pulsar community,
> Voting for https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/15289
> Discussion thread:
> https://lists.apache.org/thread/fblmm8oc7h907cfnppvk71o2cbp5mk8q
> Thanks,
> Zixuan
> ------
> ## Motivation
> The client supports TLS transport encryption and TLS authentication, this
> code so like:
> ```java
> PulsarClient client = PulsarClient.builder()
>                 .serviceUrl("pulsar+ssl://localhost:6651")
>                 .tlsTrustCertsFilePath("/path/to/cacert.pem")
>                 .authentication(AuthenticationTls.class.getName(),
> authParams)
>                 .build()
> ```
> This causes an issue that cannot use other authentication with TLS
> transport encryption, and also made our confusion if we use TLS transport
> encryption by setting `authentication`.
> ## Goal
> Split client TLS transport encryption from authentication is used to
> support TLS transport encryption with any authentication.
> ## API Changes
> - Add new methods in `org.apache.pulsar.client.api.ClientBuilder`
> ```java
> public interface ClientBuilder extends Serializable, Cloneable {
>     /**
>      * Set the path to the TLS key file.
>      *
>      * @param tlsKeyFilePath
>      * @return the client builder instance
>      */
>     ClientBuilder tlsKeyFilePath(String tlsKeyFilePath);
>     /**
>      * Set the path to the TLS certificate file.
>      *
>      * @param tlsCertificateFilePath
>      * @return the client builder instance
>      */
>     ClientBuilder tlsCertificateFilePath(String tlsCertificateFilePath);
>     /**
>      * The file format of the key store file.
>      *
>      * @param tlsKeyStoreType
>      * @return the client builder instance
>      */
>     ClientBuilder tlsKeyStoreType(String tlsKeyStoreType);
>     /**
>      * The location of the key store file.
>      *
>      * @param tlsTrustStorePath
>      * @return the client builder instance
>      */
>     ClientBuilder tlsKeyStorePath(String tlsTrustStorePath);
>     /**
>      * The store password for the key store file.
>      *
>      * @param tlsKeyStorePassword
>      * @return the client builder instance
>      */
>     ClientBuilder tlsKeyStorePassword(String tlsKeyStorePassword);
> }
> ```
> ## Implementation
> ### TLS transport encryption
> We can call the `tlsKeyFilePath()`, `tlsCertificateFilePath()` and
> `tlsTrustCertsFilePath()` to configurate the TLS transport encryption, the
> code so like:
> ```java
> PulsarClient client = PulsarClient.builder()
>         .serviceUrl("pulsar+ssl://my-host:6650")
>         .tlsTrustCertsFilePath("/path/to/cacert.pem")
>         .tlsKeyFilePath("/path/to/client-key.pem")
>         .tlsCertificateFilePath("/path/to/client-cert.pem")
>         .build();
> ```
> Call the `tlsKeyFilePath()`, `tlsTrustStorePath()` to configurate the JKS
> TLS transport encryption, the code so like:
> ```java
> PulsarClient client = PulsarClient.builder()
>         .serviceUrl("pulsar+ssl://my-host:6650")
>         .tlsKeyFilePath("/path/key.jks")
>         .tlsKeyStorePassword("hello")
>         .tlsTrustStorePath("/path/trust.jks")
>         .tlsTrustStorePassword("hello")
>         .build();
> ```
> ### TLS transport encryption with any authentication
> We can call the `tlsKeyFilePath()`, `tlsCertificateFilePath()`,
> `tlsTrustCertsFilePath()` and `authentication()` to configurate  the TLS
> transport encryption with any authentication, the code so like:
> ```java
> PulsarClient client = PulsarClient.builder()
>         .serviceUrl("pulsar+ssl://my-host:6650")
>         .tlsTrustCertsFilePath("/path/to/cacert.pem")
>         .tlsKeyFilePath("/path/to/client-key.pem")
>         .tlsCertificateFilePath("/path/to/client-cert.pem")
>         .authentication(AuthenticationTls.class.getName() /*
> AuthenticationToken.class.getName()*/, authParams)
>         .builder()
> ```
> Call the `tlsKeyFilePath()`, `tlsTrustStorePath()` to configurate the JKS
> TLS transport encryption, the code so like:
> ```java
> PulsarClient client = PulsarClient.builder()
>         .serviceUrl("pulsar+ssl://my-host:6650")
>         .tlsKeyFilePath("/path/key.jks")
>         .tlsKeyStorePassword("hello")
>         .tlsTrustStorePath("/path/trust.jks")
>         .authentication(AuthenticationTls.class.getName() /*
> AuthenticationToken.class.getName()*/, authParams)
>         .build();
> ```
> For `AuthenticationTls`, we need to check the authParams, when the
> authParams is empty, we need to read TLS config from `ClientBuilder`,
> otherwise read from the authParams, the authParams can override the config
> from `ClientBuilder`, if still is empty, we read TLS config from
> `ClientBuilder`.
> ### Plan test
> - Verify TLS transport encryption without authentication
> - Verify TLS transport encryption with token authentication
> - Verify TLS transport encryption with TLS authentication
> - Verify JKS TLS transport encryption without authentication
> - Verify JKS TLS transport encryption with token authentication
> - Verify JKS TLS transport encryption with TLS authentication
> ### Compatibility
> None.

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