There is no objection for a couple of days. I'll send a PR according to
what we have discussed.

Aloys Zhang <> 于2022年3月18日周五 21:53写道:

> > > What's more, the evict task is executed once, and then sleep
> waitTimeMillis
> > > before the next round, we can use a ScheduledExecutorService to
> replace it.
> > +1, Currently it works like scheduleAtFixDelay, but I think we may need
> scheduleAtFixRate.
> Currently, the eviction interval is controlled by `Thread.sleep()`
> ```java
> doCacheEviction();
> Thread.sleep(waitTimeMillis);
> ```
> Aloys Zhang <> 于2022年3月18日周五 21:44写道:
>> Hi penghui,
>> The new configuration should be compatible with the existing one.
>> Agree that the compatible should be concerned. And the compatibility
>> strategery has been posted in the first email.
>> For compatibility
>>>    -
>>>    if only evictionFrequency is configed, keep using current logic
>>>    -
>>>    if boty evictionFrequency and managedLedgerCacheEvictionIntervalMs
>>>    are configed, managedLedgerCacheEvictionIntervalMs is aprior choice
>>>    -
>>>    if only managedLedgerCacheEvictionIntervalMs appears, use the
>>>    managedLedgerCacheEvictionIntervalMs
>>> What do you think about this?
>> Haiting Jiang <> 于2022年3月17日周四 15:31写道:
>>> +1
>>> managedLedgerCacheEvictionIntervalMs is easier to understand.
>>> > What's more, the evict task is executed once, and then sleep
>>> waitTimeMillis
>>> > before the next round, we can use a ScheduledExecutorService to
>>> replace it.
>>> +1, Currently it works like scheduleAtFixDelay, but I think we may need
>>> scheduleAtFixRate.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Haiting
>>> On 2022/03/16 01:09:47 Aloys Zhang wrote:
>>> > Hi all,
>>> >
>>> > Pulsar uses an EntryCache to support entry caching for tailing-read.
>>> and
>>> > there is a periodic task to evict entry from the cache.
>>> >
>>> > The task period is calculated by
>>> >
>>> >   double evictionFrequency =
>>> > Math.max(Math.min(config.getCacheEvictionFrequency(), 1000.0), 0.001);
>>> >   long waitTimeMillis = (long) (1000 / evictionFrequency);
>>> >
>>> > First, we should set a evictionFrequency which means how many times
>>> evict
>>> > task will be executed per second.
>>> >
>>> > Then, get the waitTimeMillis (task interval in milliseconds) by 1000 /
>>> > evictionFrequency.
>>> >
>>> > It's a little complicated and confusing, what we need is just the evict
>>> > task interval, I didn't see the benefits of evictionFrequency .
>>> >
>>> > So I think it's better to set the evict task interval (maybe called
>>> > managedLedgerCacheEvictionIntervalMs) directly and deprecate the
>>> > evictionFrequency.
>>> >
>>> > For compatibility
>>> >
>>> >    -
>>> >
>>> >    if only evictionFrequency is configed, keep using current logic
>>> >    -
>>> >
>>> >    if boty evictionFrequency and managedLedgerCacheEvictionIntervalMs
>>> are
>>> >    configed, managedLedgerCacheEvictionIntervalMs is aprior choice
>>> >    -
>>> >
>>> >    if only managedLedgerCacheEvictionIntervalMs appears, use the
>>> >    managedLedgerCacheEvictionIntervalMs
>>> >
>>> > What's more, the evict task is executed once, and then sleep
>>> waitTimeMillis
>>> > before the next round, we can use a ScheduledExecutorService to
>>> replace it.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Any suggestions are appreciated.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Thanks,
>>> >
>>> > Aloys
>>> >

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