This is the voting thread for PIP-149. It will stay open for at least 48 hours. Pasted below for quoting convenience. ----- Motivation The Rest API was originally designed to be implemented asynchronously, but with the iteration of functions, some synchronous implementations were added, resulting in many asynchronous methods called synchronous implementations. Also, many synchronous calls do not add timeouts. This greatly reduces concurrency, user operations, and experience. In order to prevent more problems, and improve code readability and maintainability, we intend to refactor these synchronous calls and standardize the implementation of the API. Related discussion: Goals Try to avoid synchronous method calls in asynchronous methods. Async variable (AsyncResponse) is placed in the first parameter position. Async variable (AsyncResponse) cannot be substituted into method implementations. Add more tests and increase the coverage. Modification Avoid synchronous method calls in asynchronous methods. protected void internalDeleteNamespace(boolean authoritative) { validateTenantOperation(namespaceName.getTenant(), TenantOperation.DELETE_NAMESPACE); validatePoliciesReadOnlyAccess(); } Suggest to do like this: protected CompletableFuture<Void> internalDeleteNamespace(boolean authoritative) { return validateTenantOperationAsync(namespaceName.getTenant(), TenantOperation.DELETE_NAMESPACE) .thenCompose(__ -> validatePoliciesReadOnlyAccessAsync()); } Async variable (AsyncResponse) is placed in the first parameter position public void deleteNamespace(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse, @PathParam("tenant") String tenant, @PathParam("namespace") String namespace, @QueryParam("force") @DefaultValue("false") boolean force, @QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) { Async variable (AsyncResponse) cannot be substituted into method implementations internalCreateNonPartitionedTopicAsync(asyncResponse, authoritative, properties); Suggest to do like this: internalCreateNonPartitionedTopicAsync(authoritative, properties) .thenAccept(__ -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build())) .exceptionally(ex -> { resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, ex.getCause()); return null; }); Task tracking In order to unify the modification and track the modified part, it's better to open an issue to track, like #14353, #14013, #13854. --- Best, Mattison