+1 (binding)


Il giorno lun 10 gen 2022 alle ore 07:45 Hang Chen
<chenh...@apache.org> ha scritto:
> This is the voting thread for PIP-121. It will stay open for at least 48
> hours.
> https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/13315
> Pasted below for quoting convenience.
> -----
> ### Motivation
> We have geo-replication to support Pulsar cluster level failover. We
> can set up Pulsar cluster A as a primary cluster in data center A, and
> setup Pulsar cluster B as backup cluster in data center B. Then we
> configure geo-replication between cluster A and cluster B. All the
> clients are connected to the Pulsar cluster by DNS. If cluster A is
> down, we should switch the DNS to point the target Pulsar cluster from
> cluster A to cluster B. After the clients are resolved to cluster B,
> they can produce and consume messages normally. After cluster A
> recovers, the administrator should switch the DNS back to cluster A.
> However, the current method has two shortcomings.
> 1. The administrator should monitor the status of all Pulsar clusters,
> and switch the DNS as soon as possible when cluster A is down. The
> switch and recovery is not automatic and recovery time is controlled
> by the administrator, which will put the administrator under heavy
> load.
> 2. The Pulsar client and DNS system have a cache. When the
> administrator switches the DNS from cluster A to Cluster B, it will
> take some time for cache trigger timeout, which will delay client
> recovery time and lead to the product/consumer message failing.
> ### Goal
> It's better to provide an automatic cluster level failure recovery
> mechanism to make pulsar cluster failover more effective. We should
> support pulsar clients auto switching from cluster A to cluster B when
> it detects cluster A has been down according to the configured
> detecting policy and switch back to cluster A when it has recovered.
> The reason why we should switch back to cluster A is that most
> applications may be deployed in data center A and they have low
> network cost for communicating with pulsar cluster A. If they keep
> visiting pulsar cluster B, they have high network cost, and cause high
> produce/consume latency.
> In order to improve the DNS cache problem, we should provide an
> administrator controlled switch provider for administrators to update
> service URLs.
> In the end, we should provide an auto service URL switch provider and
> administrator controlled switch provider.
> ### Design
> We have already provided the `ServiceUrlProvider` interface to support
> different service URLs. In order to support automatic cluster level
> failure auto recovery, we can provide different ServiceUrlProvider
> implementations. For current requirements, we can provide
> `AutoClusterFailover` and `ControlledClusterFailover`.
> #### AutoClusterFailover
> In order to support auto switching from the primary cluster to the
> secondary, we can provide a probe task, which will probe the activity
> of the primary cluster and the secondary one. When it finds the
> primary cluster failed more than `failoverDelayMs`, it will switch to
> the secondary cluster by calling `updateServiceUrl`. After switching
> to the secondary cluster, the `AutoClusterFailover` will continue to
> probe the primary cluster. If the primary cluster comes back and
> remains active for `switchBackDelayMs`, it will switch back to the
> primary cluster.
> The APIs are listed as follows.
> In order to support multiple secondary clusters, use List to store
> secondary cluster urls. When the primary cluster probe fails for
> failoverDelayMs, it will start to probe the secondary cluster list one
> by one, once it finds the active cluster, it will switch to the target
> cluster. Notice: If you configured multiple clusters, you should turn
> on cluster level geo-replication to ensure the topic data sync between
> all primary and secondary clusters. Otherwise, it may distribute the
> topic data into different clusters. And the consumers won’t get the
> whole data of the topic.
> In order to support different authentication configurations between
> clusters, we provide the authentication relation configurations
> updated with the target cluster.
> ```Java
> public class AutoClusterFailover implements ServiceUrlProvider {
>    private AutoClusterFailover(AutoClusterFailoverBuilderImpl builder) {
> //
> }
>     @Override
>     public void initialize(PulsarClient client) {
>         this.pulsarClient = client;
>         // start to probe primary cluster active or not
>         executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(catchingAndLoggingThrowables(() -> {
>             // probe and switch
>         }), intervalMs, intervalMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
>     }
>     @Override
>     public String getServiceUrl() {
>         return this.currentPulsarServiceUrl;
>     }
>     @Override
>     public void close() {
>         this.executor.shutdown();
>     }
>     // probe pulsar cluster available
>     private boolean probeAvailable(String url, int timeout) {
>     }
> ```
> In order to create an `AutoClusterFailover` instance, we use
> `AutoClusterFailoverBuilder` interface to build the target instance.
> The `AutoClusterFailoverBuilder` interface is located in the
> `pulsar-client-api` package.
> In the `probeAvailable` method, we will probe the Pulsar service port,
> and check whether the port is open. This probe method has many
> disadvantages, such as
> We're connecting to a Pulsar proxy, but there are no available brokers
> Using Istio on the server side, which always accepts the connection
> even if the broker is in a bad state
> We might have deadlocks in (all) brokers and while the connections get
> accepted, the brokers are not able to serve them.
> In order to solve this problem, we’d better provide a health check
> command on the broker side, just like Zookeeper’s `ruok` command.
> We can use the probe port method first, and in the next step, we will
> provide the health check command on the broker side.
> #### ControlledClusterFailover
> If the users want to control the cluster switch operation, they can
> provide the current service URL by a http service. The
> `ControlledClusterFailover` will get the newest service url from the
> provided http service periodically.
> The APIs are listed as follows.
> ```Java
> public class ControlledClusterFailover implements ServiceUrlProvider {
>     private ControlledClusterFailover(String defaultServiceUrl, String
> urlProvider) throws IOException {
>     }
>     @Override
>     public void initialize(PulsarClient client) {
>         this.pulsarClient = client;
>         // start to check service url every 30 seconds
>         executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(catchingAndLoggingThrowables(() -> {
>             // probe and switch
>         }), interval, interval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
>     }
>     protected ControlledConfiguration fetchControlledConfiguration()
> throws IOException {
>         // call the service to get controlled configuration
>     }
>     @Override
>     public String getServiceUrl() {
>         return this.currentPulsarServiceUrl;
>     }
>     @Override
>     public void close() {
>         this.executor.shutdown();
>     }
> protected static class ControlledConfiguration {
>         private String serviceUrl;
>         private String tlsTrustCertsFilePath;
>         private String authPluginClassName;
>         private String authParamsString;
> }
> ```
> The configuration we get from the third url provider, we define it as
> java Bean by json format. In the configuration, we provide
> authentication-related parameters to support different clusters that
> have different authentication configurations. These
> authentication-related parameters can support all current
> authentication plugin types.
> In order to create an `ControlledClusterFailover` instance, we use the
> `ControlledClusterFailoverBuilder` interface to build the target
> instance. The `ControlledClusterFailoverBuilder` interface is located
> in the `pulsar-client-api` package.
> ### API Changes
> For the current `ServiceUrlProvider` interface, we should add a
> `close` method to close an allocated resource, such as a timer thread.
> ```Java
> public interface ServiceUrlProvider {
>     /**
>      * Close the resource that the provider allocated.
>      *
>      */
>     default void close() {
>         // do nothing
>     }
>     /**
>      * Update the authentication this client is using.
>      *
>      * @param authentication
>      *
>      * @throws IOException
>      */
>     void updateAuthentication(Authentication authentication)
>             throws IOException;
>     /**
>      * Update the tlsTrustCertsFilePath this client is using.
>      *
>      * @param tlsTrustCertsFilePath
>      */
>     void updateTlsTrustCertsFilePath(String tlsTrustCertsFilePath);
>     /**
>      * Update the tlsTrustStorePath and tlsTrustStorePassword this
> client is using.
>      *
>      * @param tlsTrustStorePath
>      * @param tlsTrustStorePassword
>      */
>     void updateTlsTrustStorePathAndPassword(String tlsTrustStorePath,
> String tlsTrustStorePassword);
> }
> ```
> ### Tests
> Add tests for the two service provider implementations.
> For `AutoClusterFailover`, when the primary cluster shuts down, it
> should switch to the secondary cluster. And then the primary cluster
> came back, we should switch back.
> For `ControlledClusterFailover`, when switching the service url on the
> http service side, it should switch to the newest service url.
> ### Implementation
> Prototype implementation PR: https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/13316

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