+1, Great feature.

> It is not a goal to implement a Pulsar backed Database system

But this does look like a database system. I believe there would be some 
limitations here, either in availability, consistency, performance, storage 
cost, etc.
So I think we can provide more information about disadvantages to guide user's 

On 2021/12/24 09:53:37 Enrico Olivelli wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I want to start a discussion about PIP-124 Pulsar Client Shared  State API
> This is the PIP document
> https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/13490
> This is a demo implementation (a proof-of-concept):
> https://github.com/eolivelli/pulsar-shared-state-manager
> Please take a look and share your thoughts
> I believe that this will unlock the potential of the Exclusive
> Producer and it will also make easier the life of many developers who
> are using Pulsar and need some API to share configuration, metadata,
> or any simple key-value data structure without adding a Database or
> other components to their library, Pulsar IO connector or Pulsar
> Protocol Handler.
> Thanks
> Enrico

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