On 2021/12/14 18:03:20 Matteo Merli wrote:
> https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/13304
> Pasted below for quoting convenience.
> -------
> ## Motivation
> After all the work done for PIP-45 that was already included in 2.8 and 2.9
> releases, it enabled the concept of re-acquirable resource locks and leader
> election.
> Another important change was to avoid doing any deferrable metadata operation
> when we know that we are not currently connected to the metadata service.
> Finally, that enabled stabilization in 2.9 the configuration setting that
> allows
> brokers to continue operating in a safe mode when the session with ZooKeeper
> expires.
> The way it works is that, when we lose a ZooKeeper session, the data plane
> will
> continue to work undisturbed, relying on the BookKeeper fencing to avoid any
> inconsistencies.
> New topics are not able to get started, but existing topics will see no
> impact.
> The original intention for shutting down the brokers was to ensure that we
> would automatically go back to a consistent state, with respect to which
> resources are "owned" in ZooKeeper by a given broker.
> With the re-acquirable resource locks, that problem was solved and thoroughly
> tested to be robust.
> ## Proposed changes
> In 2.10 release, for the setting:
> ```properties
> # There are two policies to apply when a broker metadata session
> expires: session expired happens, "shutdown" or "reconnect".
> # With "shutdown", the broker will be restarted.
> # With "reconnect", the broker will keep serving the topics, while
> attempting to recreate a new session.
> zookeeperSessionExpiredPolicy=shutdown
> ```
> Change its default value to `reconnect`.
> --
> Matteo Merli
> <mme...@apache.org>
Please pay attention to the following scenarios:
I tried to use `Reconnect` in the production environment, and there was a
serious online failure: two Brokers kept opening and closing the Ledger of the
same topic, and the Ledger of BK kept throwing fencing exceptions.