+1 (binding)


Il Lun 1 Nov 2021, 09:50 PengHui Li <peng...@apache.org> ha scritto:

> I would like to start a VOTE for PIP 106:  Negative acknowledgment backoff
> The issue for this PIP is here
> https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/12379
> Please VOTE within 72 hours.
> - Penghui
> ------------------------
> ## Motivation
> Apache Pulsar supports the at-least-once message delivery semantic which
> can tolerate the consumer failure such as the consumer write the data to
> the database but the database might offline for a while, call an external
> HTTP server but the HTTP server is not available or maybe the parts of the
> consumer fault(can’t connect to the database or HTTP server).
> In general, the consumer is not able to process the message successfully,
> what we can do for the above case is we can redeliver the message after
> processing the message failure so that the message can be redelivered to
> other consumers(for the Shared subscription). This is a frequently used
> example:
> ```java
> Message msg = consumer.receive();
> try {
>       process(msg);
> consumer.acknowledge(msg);
> } catch (Exception e) {
>       consumer.negativeAcknowledge(msg);
> }
> ```
> But you might don’t want to redeliver the message immediately, give
> non-working services(HTTP server, Database) some time to recover to avoid
> the extra overhead caused by too frequent retries. Currently, we can
> specify a delay for the message redelivery by the negative acknowledgment.
> ```java
> client.newConsumer()
>     ....
>     .negativeAckRedeliveryDelay(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
>     .subscribe();
> ```
> But this is not flexible enough, so the proposal is to introduce a
> redelivery backoff mechanism which we can achieve redelivery with different
> delays according to the number of times the message is retried such as 1s,
> 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s in the next 5 times message redelivery.
> -> reconsumeLater
> ## Approach
> The approach is to introduce a `NegativeAckRedeliveryBackoff` at the
> client-side, users can specify a `NegativeAckRedeliveryBackoff` for a
> consumer. And the client will provide an implementation
> `NegativeAckRedeliveryExponentialBackoff`.
> The NegativeAckBackoff cannot be used with redelivery delay together, and
> the default redelivery delay will not change.
> Users are also able to implement a specific `NegativeAckRedeliveryBackoff`,
> For some frequently used backoff implementations, we should also support it
> in pulsar clients to provide users with an out-of-the-box experience.
> Notice: the consumer crashes will trigger the redelivery of the unacked
> message, this case will not respect the `NegativeAckRedeliveryBackoff`,
> which means the message might get redelivered earlier than the delay time
> from the backoff.
> ## API changes
> The new `NegativeAckBackoff` interface
> ```java
> interface NegativeAckBackoff {
> long next(int redeliveryCount);
> }
> ```
> A new method for building the consumer
> ```java
> client.newConsumer()
>     ....
>     .negativeAckRedeliveryBackoff(...)
>     .subscribe();
> ```
> Notice: the `NegativeAckRedeliveryBackoff` will not work with
> `consumer.negativeAcknowledge(MessageId messageId)` because we are not able
> to get the redelivery count from the message ID.
> The consumer configuration also can be load from a configuration file, so
> we should also support specify the `NegativeAckRedeliveryBackoff` when load
> consumer configuration from config file. New method will be added in the
> `ConsumerBuilder()`
> ```java
> ConsumerBuilder<T> negativeAckRedeliveryBackoff(String className, String
> params);
> ```
> ## Compatibility
> The proposal will not introduce any compatibility issues.
> ## Tests Plan
> Unit tests & integration tests

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