--- Pasted here for quoting convenience --- ## Motivation Apache Pulsar supports the at-least-once message delivery semantic which can tolerate the consumer failure such as the consumer write the data to the database but the database might offline for a while, call an external HTTP server but the HTTP server is not available or maybe the parts of the consumer fault(can’t connect to the database or HTTP server). In general, the consumer is not able to process the message successfully, what we can do for the above case is we can redeliver the message after processing the message failure so that the message can be redelivered to other consumers(for the Shared subscription). This is a frequently used example: ``` Message msg = consumer.receive(); try { process(msg); consumer.acknowledge(msg); } catch (Exception e) { consumer.negativeAcknowledge(msg); } ``` But you might don’t want to redeliver the message immediately, give non-working services(HTTP server, Database) some time to recover to avoid the extra overhead caused by too frequent retries. Currently, we can specify a delay for the message redelivery by the negative acknowledgment. ``` client.newConsumer() .... .negativeAckRedeliveryDelay(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS) .subscribe(); ``` But this is not flexible enough, so the proposal is to introduce a redelivery backoff mechanism which we can achieve redelivery with different delays according to the number of times the message is retried such as 1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, 16s in the next 5 times message redelivery. -> reconsumeLater ## Approach The approach is to introduce a `NegativeAckRedeliveryBackoff` at the client-side, users can specify a `NegativeAckRedeliveryBackoff` for a consumer. And the client will provide an implementation `NegativeAckRedeliveryExponentialBackoff`. The NegativeAckBackoff cannot be used with redelivery delay together, and the default redelivery delay will not change. Users are also able to implement a specific `NegativeAckRedeliveryBackoff`, For some frequently used backoff implementations, we should also support it in pulsar clients to provide users with an out-of-the-box experience. Notice: the consumer crashes will trigger the redelivery of the unacked message, this case will not respect the `NegativeAckRedeliveryBackoff`, which means the message might get redelivered earlier than the delay time from the backoff. ## API changes The new `NegativeAckBackoff` interface ``` interface NegativeAckBackoff { long next(int redeliveryCount); } ``` A new method for building the consumer ``` client.newConsumer() .... .negativeAckRedeliveryBackoff(...) .subscribe(); ``` Notice: the `NegativeAckRedeliveryBackoff` will not work with `consumer.negativeAcknowledge(MessageId messageId)` because we are not able to get the redelivery count from the message ID. ## Compatibility The proposal will not introduce any compatibility issues. ## Tests Plan Unit tests & integration tests