it looks like we need to add a new GH token as GH secret in order to make
the documentation bot work.
the current token has not write privileges (is this statement correct?) and
cannot add labels and comments.

My plan is to:
1) create a new token
2) add it as GH secret
3) Allow the Doc bot to be enabled

for 1), is it okay if I use one personal token ? I am not sure I can
restrict it only to Pulsar and related repositories (we will have to add
this to every active Pulsar repo, like adapters, nodejs, go client....),
otherwise, shall I ask ASF INFRA to generate one ?

for 2) If I remember correctly I will have to create a JIRA ticket to ASF
INFRA and they will add the secret

for 3) we already have a PR for the Pulsar repo, we will update it in order
to use the new token, then we can merge it and create new PRs for all the
other repositories

Any guidance is well appreciated


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