How is the Presto work going ?
IIRC the plan was to remove it from the Pulsar code base and let it be
hosted at Trino.

If this is not going to happen within the 2.9.0 release timeline
(September?) I would prefer to upgrade to "Trino".
Probably we will have a downside problem that recent versions of
Presto/Trino do not work on JDK8 but only on JDK11.

I believe that in that case we could open a separate thread to say that
Pulsar SQL in 2.9.0 will work only on JDK11.
In Pulsar 2.8.0 we added official compatibility with JDK11 (and it is the
preferred version, as it is the version used in the Docker images), so
requiring JDK11 for Pulsar SQL 2.9.0 does not sound bad to me.

My primary concern is that the version of Presto that we are running is
obsolete and there are several security reports against it or its third
party dependencies.

Thoughts ?


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