Responses inline as well

On Fri, Aug 6, 2021 at 9:16 AM Ivan Kelly <> wrote:
> >    For example, in the proposed scenario it's used "Events.LOOKUP".
> > There is a lot of context that would be missing there. Eg: is this an
> > HTTP or Protobuf lookup, did we log when the operation started or when
> > it was completed, etc...
> To avoid a proliferation of redundant logs, we should log at the end
> unless it's a very long running operation. For timed events, we should
> include the start timestamp as well as duration.
> W.r.t. http vs binary, you have two options:
> a) put it as a attributed .attr("protocol", "http"),
> b) or have separate events LOOKUP_HTTP & LOOKUP_BINARY.
> >  2. We should make it easy to automatically generate documentation in
> > HTML for the event. For this, using annotation might be a better
> > option than Javadoc.
> Can you give an example of how you would use the annotation?
> I like javadoc, because you can write long form free text. With
> annotations it's a java strings. Until java has multiline strings (I
> saw some talk of it, but it's not in 8), this becomes cumbersome.
> Perhaps there can be an annotation so that all "Events" enums get
> picked up to generate specialized javadoc.

I was checking and it's not possible to have annotations on the enum
values. We should still have an annotation for the Events enum types
so that we can both:
 1. Add context for that event group (eg: broker events,
managed-ledger events, bk events, etc)
 2. We can use the annotation processor to retrieve all enums tagged
with that annotation

> >  4. Thread Local context --  It might be difficult to have meaningful
> > TLC between Pulsar & BK code when we do have most of the code being
> > asynchronous with the results coming out of a callback that is
> > triggered in a separate thread.
> The TLS stuff is just to avoid having to modify the API to pass down
> context. I had a quick attempt at implementing it, and I think rather
> than automatically putting the context on TLS, we should have an
> explicit "stash/unstash" call.

If this becomes complex or error-prone, I think we should consider
that we're really most interested in bridging events from Pulsar to BK
client. For example it would be very helpful to correlate events on a
particular ledger back to the topic. We could also do that already
without changing the APIs by including the ledger "properties" into
the BK client log events, since we're already including the topic name

> >  5. We should borrow some of the good parts of the APIs in SLF4J 2.0.
> > For example, given that it now supports Java 8, we should be also
> > taking `Supplier<Object>` for the arguments so that we can use lambdas
> > to avoid object creations when the logger level is disabled.
> >     Similarly, instead of doing :
> >     e.attr("result", lookupResult)
> >       .info(Events.LOOKUP);
> >
> >    we could change the order into:
> >     e.atInfo(Events.LOOKUP)
> >       .attr("result", lookupResult)
> >       .log();
> >    This would avoid doing any extra work if the level info is disabled.
> I had been thinking along the same lines since I sent the PIP. This
> would be especially useful for sampled events where you really do not
> want to do anything if you're not going to log. It does make one
> pattern harder though. If you defer the event name to the end, you can
> accumulate attributes before knowing what event you log with. For
> example, for LOOKUP, if an error occurs you log with LOOKUP_ERROR
> rather than LOOKUP. Maybe we need an explicit attribute object for
> collecting the attributes, rather than always having it as a fluent
> api.

We can still put the event type at the very end:

       .attr("result", lookupResult)

> > 6. Even if we should make structured argument the preferred way to log
> > event, I'd be wary of not permitting to have:
> >     a) Custom string messages
> I can add this. I think it will lead to laziness, but that's just my opinion.
> >     b) String templating for cases in which adding to context map is
> > not the best choice.
> If they have a), they can always use String.format(). I really want to
> encourage using the attributes rather than snowflake string messages.
> The latter makes searching the logs so much harder (you're reduced to
> regexes rather than proper jq/log aggregator queries).
> -Ivan

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