truthtrap commented on issue #72:

   well, i got it to work. the broker.configData in values.yaml part looks like 
   `    # tiered storage to gcs`
   `    managedLedgerOffloadDriver: google-cloud-storage`
   `    gcsManagedLedgerOffloadBucket: pulsar`
   `    gcsManagedLedgerOffloadRegion: europe-west1`
   `    managedLedgerOffloadAutoTriggerSizeThresholdBytes: "262144000"`
   `    gcsServiceAccountSecret: "pulsar-broker-service-account"`
   `    gcsServiceAccountJsonFile: "serviceaccount.json"`
   `    gcsManagedLedgerOffloadServiceAccountKeyFile: 
   for this to work with the [diff 
 you need create the service account json as [per the 
documentation]( add the 
resulting json file with the credentials (serviceaccount.json) as a secret to 
your k8s cluster (make sure to add it to the right namespace)
   `$ kubectl -n pulsar create secret generic pulsar-broker-service-account 
   in case of an existing release, upgrade your helm deployment and roll over 
your broker statefulset
   `$ helm upgrade <your-release-name> charts/pulsar`
   `$ kubectl -n pulsar rollout restart statefulset  production-pulsar-broker`

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