Hi, I am trying to run pulsar in standalone mode with TLS enabled and communicating on websockets (wss). I am using a letsencrypt key. My client is not able to connect to pulsar on chrome/edge browser, but it works on firefox. I am assuming the only config file to modify is standalone.conf. Is this correct ?
Also, the same client connects to a simple server that I wrote, and could also send and receive messages. Is this a known issue that it works on one browser and may not work on other browsers ? Also, about the 2 TLS certificates and private key, is there any particular format for them. About tlsTrustCertsFilePath, I am pointing to fullchain.pem. Is this correct or should I point it to something else (I also tried root certificates from letsencrypt). This field does not seem to matter to firefox which works anyway. Thanks. -Pavan