Hello all, I ran through the list of issues and PRs tagged for 2.7.2.
https://github.com/apache/pulsar/labels/release%2F2.7.2 I will continue today to ping people that are participating in such issues/prs. There are patches that probably do not fit 2.7.2 because they may introduce instability, so it is better to keep them only for 2.8.0. I believe there is nothing blocker for a release and I am going to remove the 2.7.2 label and move to 2.7.3 tomorrow and proceed with cutting the release. If you have any important patches and issues that block 2.7.2 release please chime in. Usually it is better to keep the pace of the releases, if there is no show stopper it is better to not wait. We already committed lots of useful improvements and fixes to 2.7.2. Cheers Enrico