Penghui Li created PULSAR-9:

             Summary: Improve the message written count metrics for the topic
                 Key: PULSAR-9
             Project: Pulsar
          Issue Type: Improvement
            Reporter: Penghui Li

Currently, Pulsar exposes the message written count metrics though the 
Prometheus endpoint, and the metrics maintain in the broker, no been 
persistent. So if the topic ownership changes or restart broker, this will lead 
to reset the message written count of the topic to 0. This will confused users 
and not able to get the correct message written count metrics.

 a broker level entry metadata which can support message index for a topic(or 
message offset of a topic), this will provide the ability to calculate the 
precise message written count for a topic. So we can leverage PIP-70 to improve 
the message written count metrics for the topic

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