
Best Regards.

Jia Zhai

Beijing, China

Mobile: +86 15810491983

On Mon, Nov 9, 2020 at 2:24 PM Aloys Zhang <lofterzh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> We have drafted a proposal for supporting lightweight raw Message metadata
> which can be found at
> https://github.com/apache/pulsar/wiki/PIP-70%3A-Introduce-lightweight-raw-Message-metadata
>  and
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IgnF9AJzL6JG6G4EL_xcoQxvOpd7bUXcgxFApBiPOFY
> Also, I copy it to the email thread for easier viewing.
> Any suggestions or ideas are welcomed to join the discussion.
> ## PIP-70:  Introduce lightweight raw Message metadata
> ### 1. Motivation
> For messages in Pulsar, If we want to add new property, we always change
> the `MessageMetadata` in protocol(PulsarApi.proto), this kind of property
> could be understood by both the broker side and client side by
> deserializing the `MessageMetadata` . But in some different cases,, the
> property needs to be added from the broker side, Or need to be understood
> by the broker side in a low cost way. When the broker side gets the message
> produced from the client,  we could add the property at a new area, which
> does not combine with `MessageMetadata`, and no need deserializing original
> `MessageMetadata` when gets it out ; and when the broker sends the message
> to client, we could choose to filter out this part of property(or not as
> the client needs). We call this kind of property “raw Message metadata”. By
> this way, the “raw Message metadata” consumption is independent, and not
> related with the original `MessageMetadata`.
> The benefit for this kind of “raw Message metadata” is that the broker does
> not need to  serialize/deserialize for the protobuf-ed `MessageMetadata`,
> this will provide a better performance. And also could provide a lot of
> features that are not supported yet.
> Here are some of the use cases for raw Message metadata:
> 1) Provide ordered messages by time(broker side) sequence to make message
> seek by time more accurate.
> Currently, each message has a `publish_time`, it uses client side time, but
> for different producers in different clients, the time may not align
> between clients, and cause the message order and the message time
> (`publish_time`) order may be different.  But each topic-partition only has
> one owner broker, if we append broker side time in the “raw Message
> metadata”, we could make sure the message order is aligned with broker side
> time. With this feature, we could handle the message seek by time more
> accurately.
> 2) Provide continuous message sequence-Id for messages in one
> topic-partition.
> MessageId is a combination of ledgerId+entryId+batchIndex; for a partition
> that contains more than one ledger, the Ids inside is not continuous. By
> this solution, we could append a sequence-Id at the end of each Message.
> This will make the message sequence management earlier.
> In this proposal, we will take count in the first feature “provide ordered
> message by time(broker side) sequence” mentioned above, this will be easier
> to go through the proposal.
> ### 2. Message and “raw Message metadata” structure changes.
> As mentioned above, there are 2 main benefits in this proposal:
> 1. Most of all the change happened on the Broker side.
> 2. Avoid to serialize/deserialize for the protobuf-ed `MessageMetadata`.
> #### 2.1 Raw Message metadata structure in Protobuf
> Protobuf used a lot in Pulsar, we could use Protobuf to do the raw Message
> metadata serialize/deserialize.
> In this example, we will save the broker side timestamp when each message
> is sent from the broker to BookKeeper. So the definition is very simple.
> ```protobuf
> message RawMessageMetadata {
>     optional uint64 broker_timestamp = 1;
>    }
> ```
> #### 2.2 Message and “raw Message metadata” structure details
> Each message is send from producer client to broker in this frame format:
> ```
> ```
> The first 3 fields “[TOTAL_SIZE] [CMD_SIZE ] [CMD]” will be read in
> `LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder`  and `PulsarDecoder`, and left the rest part
> handled in method
> `org.apache.pulsar.broker.service.Producer.publishMessage`. The left part
> treated as “headersAndPayload” in the code. As described above, we do not
> want this part to be changed at all, so we could take this part as a whole
> package.
> ```
> ```
> We need to add some fields to make ”Raw Message metadata” work well.
> ```
> ```
> RAW_METADATA_MAGIC_NUMBER is used to identify whether this feature is on,
> and the message is handled by this feature.
> RAW_METADATA_SIZE is added for this feature, and records the size of the
> serialised raw Message metadata content.
> RAW_METADATA is the serialised raw Message metadata content.
> “HEADERS_AND_PAYLOAD” is the original ByteBuf data that contains metadata
> and payload.
> We put the new added fields before instead of after "HEADERS_AND_PAYLOAD"
>  here, this is because
> - Firstly , the “raw Message metadata” is an addition for origin protocol
> and it can support this new feature without much modification for origin
> wire protocol, especially it does not need to serialize/deserialize for the
> protobuf-ed `MessageMetadata` build from producer.
> - Secondly, if we put new fields after "HEADERS_AND_PAYLOAD" , we can't
> know where the offset for new added fields since we don't know the the
> length of "PAYLOAD", and also, fields after "PAYLOAD" will change the CRC32
> checksum which means we need to recalculate the checksum one more time.
> #### 2.3 Message and “raw Message metadata” lifecycle
> The message process logic would be like this:
> 1. Producer client send the original message to broker, and parsed by
> “PulsarDecoder”,  only “[HEADERS_AND_PAYLOAD]” left;
> 2. originally, “[HEADERS_AND_PAYLOAD]” will be write into BookKeeper by
> method `asyncAddEntry` in `ManagedLedger`; but now we first add above
> “[RAW_METADATA]” and related parts along with “[HEADERS_AND_PAYLOAD]”, then
> write the whole ByteBuf into BookKeeper by `asyncAddEntry` ; so the "raw
> Message metadata" is kept together with original message in BookKeeper.
> 3. When some features need to use this “raw Message metadata”, read the new
>  BookKeeper “Entry”, and get the raw Message metadata information to serve
> the new feature.
> 4. In this “provide ordered message by time(broker side) sequence” feature,
> when a seek-by-time operation passes into the broker, we readout
> “broker_timestamp” from “[RAW_METADATA]”.
> 5. After brokers read BookKeeper Entry out, and before send to the consumer
> client, we need to filter out the raw Message metadata related part, and
> only return “[HEADERS_AND_PAYLOAD]” part.
> By this way, we don't need to  serialize/deserialize for the protobuf-ed
> `MessageMetadata`.
> For more details, in these steps:
> ##### a)) produced message handle and store
> Producer client side message send to broker will be handled by method
> ```
> publishMessageToTopic(ByteBuf headersAndPayload, long sequenceId, long
> batchSize, boolean isChunked)
> ```
> in class `org.apache.pulsar.broker.service.Producer`. And it will finally
> call into the method `asyncAddEntry` of `ManagedLedger`, it will write the
> passed in serialized message as an Entry stored in BookKeeper.
> ```
> void asyncAddEntry(ByteBuf headersAndPayload, AddEntryCallback callback,
> Object ctx)
> ```
> For raw Message metadata content,  we need to put the current broker
> timestamp in `message RawMessageMetadata` and use protobuf to serialize it
> into `ByteBuf`.  Then we put the size and content of serialized `ByteBuf`
> along with original `ByteBuf headersAndPayload`.
> BookKeeper.
> ##### b)) seek by time happens
> Originally, when a seek_by_time comes in, it will finally calls into class
> `org.apache.pulsar.broker.service.persistent.PersistentMessageFinder.findMessages`
> and the original logic is like this
> ```java
> public void findMessages(final long timestamp,
> AsyncCallbacks.FindEntryCallback callback) {
>        …
> cursor.asyncFindNewestMatching(ManagedCursor.FindPositionConstraint.SearchAllAvailableEntries,
> entry -> {
>             MessageImpl msg = null;
>             msg = MessageImpl.deserialize(entry.getDataBuffer());  < ===
> deserialize
>             return msg.getPublishTime() < timestamp;
>         }, this, callback);
>       …
> ```
> Find message through the topic-partition, and read out the target Entry
> from BookKeeper, deserialize Entry into a MessageImpl and read the message
> publish time that match the requirements; if not match, iterate to another
> round of read another message.
> By the new design, after reading out the target Entry from BookKeeper, it
> does not need to do the deserialize, but only need to read out the
> “broker_timestamp” from the “raw Message metadata”.
> As mentioned above, the frame stored in BookKeeper is as :
> 1. Still use `entry.getDataBuffer()` to get the ByteBuf out;
> 2. Read and check “[RAW_METADATA_MAGIC_NUMBER]” to see if “raw Message
> metadata”feature is enabled; if not enabled, turn into old behaviour;
> 3. If enabled, read “ [RAW_METADATA_SIZE] “, then read “[RAW_METADATA] ”.
> 4. Use protobuf to  deserialize “[RAW_METADATA]”, and read
> “broker_timestamp” out.
> ##### c)) read an entry from BookKeeper and send it to the consumer client
> The main logic happened in method `sendMessages` in class
> `org.apache.pulsar.broker.service.Consumer`, the change is similar to above
> “seek by time”, after read BookKeeper Entry, we need to filter out
>  "RAW_METADATA" related part, and only return “[HEADERS_AND_PAYLOAD]” to
> consumer client.
> ### 3 Summary of changes that need
> Here is a summary of above changes that related:
> 1. Add raw Message metadata protobuf
> ```protobuf
> message RawMessageMetadata {
>     optional uint64 broker_timestamp = 1;
> }
> ```
> 2. change how produced message is saved in bookkeeper:
>    `org.apache.pulsar.broker.service.Producer`
> 3. change how message is seek-by-time:
> `org.apache.pulsar.broker.service.persistent.PersistentMessageFinder.findMessages`
> 4. change how message send back to Consumer
>    `org.apache.pulsar.broker.service.Consumer`
> other changes:
> 1. A broker config to enable this raw Message metadata feature. e.g.
> “useBrokerTimestampsForMessageSeek”.
> 2. besides change
> `org.apache.pulsar.broker.service.persistent.PersistentMessageFinder.findMessages`,
> search other places,
> which called `MessageImpl.deserialize(entry.getDataBuffer())` and
> `msg.getPublishTime()`, such as `PersistentTopic.isOldestMessageExpired()`
> to read message publish-time from new “raw Message metadata” instead of
> deserialize the whole BookKeeper Entry into Message and call
> `Message.getPublishTime()` if this feature enabled.
> ### 4. Compatibility, Deprecation and Migration Plan
> For the first feature, since most of the changes are internally changes in
> brokers, and it is a new feature which doesn’t change pulsar’s wire
> protocol(between broker and client), and not changed public api. There is
> no backward compatibility issue. It is a newly added feature. So there is
> nothing to deprecate or migrate.
> In the future, we will consider the compatibility when implementing the
> secondary feature of “continuous message sequence-Id” since we should send
> messages with “sequence_id” to consumers. In this case, we will take
> different actions dependent on the data format, feature enable or not and
> consumer client version . Data is new format if it contains
> is a new version if it can process message contains  "[RAW_METADATA]".
> ### 5. Test Plan
> * Unit tests for each individual change: broker/client worked well for
> produce/consume.
> * Integration tests or UT for end-to-end pipeline: multi producers set
> message's time in random time order; seek-by-time could seek to the right
> message.
> * Load testing for ensuring performance: seek should be more quick.
> --
> Best,
> Aloys.

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