2020-06-03 09:35:57 UTC - Thomas Jamet: Neat, tx! ---- 2020-06-03 10:01:13 UTC - Penghui Li: The merge issue is fixed now in the master branch, if you have PRs that met this problem, please merge the master branch into your branch. Thanks. ---- 2020-06-03 20:43:00 UTC - Addison Higham: okay, so with <https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/6881> that fixed pretty much all our producer issues with the "producer is already connected" errors EXCEPT for know we see it just for replication (see <https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/5104>). I want to say it likely isn't related? ---- 2020-06-03 20:43:27 UTC - Addison Higham: err, by that, I mean it may not happen due to offloading issues? ---- 2020-06-04 05:33:14 UTC - Dhakshin: @Dhakshin has joined the channel ---- 2020-06-04 05:34:11 UTC - Dhakshin: Hi, Unable to load consumer metrics in prometheus after enabled "exposeTopicLevelMetricsInPrometheus=true" and "exposeConsumerLevelMetricsInPrometheus=true" properties in broker.conf file. How to resolve this issue ----