Hi developers,

As attached email, we have applied the Institute of SoftwareChinese Academy
of Sciences Summer of Code 2020. This is a China locate event like GSoC,
but for Chinese college students in China.

They have replied to accept our application. we need mentors and tasks
suitable for college students to complete in 3 months.

Anyone especially committer, who wants to be the official mentor, please
let me know.

As this application has been forwarded to PMC first, two PMC members, Sijie
Guo and Penghui Li have asked to be a mentor.

If you are willing to do this, please reply to this email, and add you
ideas and tasks into this task page

And these tasks will be open and be available for students to select during
May 15-29th. And tasks will be worked during July 1st -- October 1st.

[1] https://isrc.iscas.ac.cn/summer2020/#/

Thanks and regards.
- Jia

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: 暑期2020 组委会 <summer2...@iscas.ac.cn>
Date: Wed, May 6, 2020 at 4:01 PM
Subject: 回复: Apache Pulsar request to join Summer of Code 2020
To: Jia Zhai <zhaiji...@gmail.com>


您好,感谢您对“开源软件所供应链点亮计划-暑期2020”活动的关注,欢迎 Pulsar 社区参与“暑期2020”活动。





*发件人: *Jia Zhai <zhaiji...@gmail.com>
*发送时间: *2020年5月6日 8:51
*收件人: *summer2...@iscas.ac.cn
*抄送: *qusheng...@gmail.com
*主题: *Re: Apache Pulsar request to join Summer of Code 2020

On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 8:24 AM Jia Zhai <zhaiji...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi there,

This is Jia Zhai from Apache Pulsar community.
From website of "Open Source Promotion Plan - Summer 2020" , it is a great
I would like to join this program on behalf of Apache Pulsar project, and
the PMC of Apache Pulsar has already pass the discuss of joining this
project. Once we get passed this requirement, I will forward this
application to the whole PMC team, and more mentors will join in.

Here is some of the information of Apache Pulsar.

- 社区或开源项目名称 (Name of Project)

Apache Pulsar

- 社区官网网址(website)


- 联系人:姓名 (Name of Contacts)

Jia Zhai (翟佳)

- 联系方式:

  - 邮箱(email): j...@streamnative.io

  - 电话(phone): +86-15810491983

1. 社区名称(Name of Project):  Apache Pulsar

2. 社区官方网址 (website):http://pulsar.apache.org/

3. 社区Logo文件:Logo 文件在线地址或附件:

4. 社区简短描述(30 字以内)(Project Introduction):

Apache Pulsar is an open-source distributed pub-sub messaging system
originally created at Yahoo and now part of the Apache Software

Apache Pulsar 是下一代分布式的消息系统,由雅虎开源,现在是 Apache 基金会的顶级项目。

5. 社区成段描述(Project Introduction):

Apache Pulsar is a cloud-native, distributed messaging and streaming
platform that manages hundreds of billions of events per day. Pulsar
was originally developed and deployed inside Yahoo as the consolidated
messaging platform connecting critical Yahoo applications such as
Yahoo Finance, Yahoo Mail, and Flickr, to data. Pulsar was contributed
to open source by Yahoo in 2016 and became a top-level Apache Software
Foundation project in 2018.

Apache Pulsar 是云原生的下一代发布订阅消息系统和流数据平台。Pulsar 用于解决现有开源消息系统的不足,助力 Yahoo 的主要应用,如
Yahoo Mail、Yahoo Finance、Yahoo Sports、Flickr、Gemini 广告平台和 Yahoo 的分布式键值存储系统
Sherpa。Pulsar 于 2016 年底开源,目前是 Apache 软件基金会的顶级项目。

6. 社区邮件列表(Project email):


7. 社区官方公共联系邮箱(Email):

us...@pulsar.apache.org, dev@pulsar.apache.org

8. 社区 “暑期2020” 项目列表页面链接(link of summer2020):

9. 技术标签 (Tags):

distributed system, messaging system, streaming platform

10. 专注领域:

distributed system, messaging system, streaming platform.

Best Regards.

Jia Zhai

Beijing, China

Mobile: +86 15810491983

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