

[github] Add topics CLI support to get partitioned internal stats. (#6624)

[github] [Broker]Signal main thread after close (#6626)

[github] [Issue 6433][Pulsar-client]Fix message id compare between MessageId and

[github] [cleanup] Optional usage (#6613)

[github] Support BouncyCastle FIPS provider  (#6588)

[github] [Issue 6283][tiered-storage] Offload policies per namespace (#6422)

[...truncated 27.31 MB...]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.562 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.562 [INFO] --- maven-remote-resources-plugin:1.5:process 
(process-resource-bundles) @ bc_2_0_0 ---
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.636 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.636 [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources 
(default-resources) @ bc_2_0_0 ---
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.638 [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.638 [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.639 [INFO] Copying 3 resources
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.640 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.640 [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.0:compile 
(default-compile) @ bc_2_0_0 ---
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.642 [INFO] No sources to compile
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.642 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.642 [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources 
(default-testResources) @ bc_2_0_0 ---
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.643 [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.643 [INFO] Copying 1 resource
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.644 [INFO] Copying 3 resources
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.645 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.645 [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.0:testCompile 
(default-testCompile) @ bc_2_0_0 ---
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.648 [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.648 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.649 [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:3.0.0-M3:test 
(default-test) @ bc_2_0_0 ---
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.652 [INFO] Tests are skipped.
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.652 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.652 [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.0.0:jar (default-jar) @ 
bc_2_0_0 ---
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.655 [INFO] Building jar: 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.669 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.669 [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.5.1:attach-descriptor 
(attach-descriptor) @ bc_2_0_0 ---
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.671 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.671 [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.0.0:test-jar (default) 
@ bc_2_0_0 ---
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.676 [INFO] Building jar: 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.695 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.696 [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install 
(default-install) @ bc_2_0_0 ---
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.697 [INFO] Installing 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.699 [INFO] Installing 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.701 [INFO] Installing 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.704 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.704 [INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy 
(default-deploy) @ bc_2_0_0 ---
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.705 [INFO] Skipping artifact deployment
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.705 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.705 [INFO] ------------------< 
org.apache.pulsar.tests:bc_2_0_1 >------------------
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.705 [INFO] Building Apache Pulsar :: Tests :: Backwards 
Client Compatibility 2.0.1-incubating 2.6.0-SNAPSHOT [126/126]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.706 [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.730 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.730 [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0-M2:enforce 
(enforce-maven) @ bc_2_0_1 ---
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.731 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:23.731 [INFO] --- git-commit-id-plugin:3.0.0:revision 
(git-info) @ bc_2_0_1 ---
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.147 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.147 [INFO] --- maven-remote-resources-plugin:1.5:process 
(process-resource-bundles) @ bc_2_0_1 ---
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.190 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.190 [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources 
(default-resources) @ bc_2_0_1 ---
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.191 [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.192 [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.192 [INFO] Copying 3 resources
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.193 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.193 [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.0:compile 
(default-compile) @ bc_2_0_1 ---
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.195 [INFO] No sources to compile
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.195 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.195 [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources 
(default-testResources) @ bc_2_0_1 ---
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.196 [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.196 [INFO] Copying 1 resource
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.196 [INFO] Copying 3 resources
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.197 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.197 [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.0:testCompile 
(default-testCompile) @ bc_2_0_1 ---
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.201 [INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.201 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.201 [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:3.0.0-M3:test 
(default-test) @ bc_2_0_1 ---
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.204 [INFO] Tests are skipped.
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.204 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.204 [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.0.0:jar (default-jar) @ 
bc_2_0_1 ---
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.207 [INFO] Building jar: 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.222 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.222 [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.5.1:attach-descriptor 
(attach-descriptor) @ bc_2_0_1 ---
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.223 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.223 [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.0.0:test-jar (default) 
@ bc_2_0_1 ---
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.228 [INFO] Building jar: 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.247 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.247 [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install 
(default-install) @ bc_2_0_1 ---
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.248 [INFO] Installing 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.250 [INFO] Installing 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.251 [INFO] Installing 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.253 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.253 [INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy 
(default-deploy) @ bc_2_0_1 ---
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.255 [INFO] Skipping artifact deployment
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.255 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.255 [INFO] Reactor Summary:
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.255 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.256 [INFO] Pulsar Build Tools 
................................. SUCCESS [  8.522 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.256 [INFO] Pulsar 2.6.0-SNAPSHOT 
.............................. SUCCESS [  6.815 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.256 [INFO] Pulsar Test Mocks 
.................................. SUCCESS [  8.501 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.256 [INFO] Pulsar Transaction :: Parent 
....................... SUCCESS [  6.465 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.257 [INFO] Pulsar Transaction :: Common 
....................... SUCCESS [  8.810 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.257 [INFO] Pulsar Client :: API 
............................... SUCCESS [ 15.662 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.257 [INFO] Pulsar Common 
...................................... SUCCESS [ 25.167 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.258 [INFO] Pulsar Metadata 
.................................... SUCCESS [  7.041 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.258 [INFO] Managed Ledger 
..................................... SUCCESS [ 15.437 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.258 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tiered Storage :: Parent 
.......... SUCCESS [  4.734 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.258 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tiered Storage :: JCloud 
.......... SUCCESS [ 21.026 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.259 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tiered Storage :: File System 
..... SUCCESS [ 24.502 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.259 [INFO] Pulsar ZooKeeper Utils 
............................. SUCCESS [ 11.887 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.259 [INFO] pulsar-broker-common 
............................... SUCCESS [  7.924 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.260 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Bouncy Castle :: Parent 
........... SUCCESS [  4.082 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.260 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Bouncy Castle :: BC 
............... SUCCESS [ 20.754 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.260 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Bouncy Castle :: BC Shaded 
........ SUCCESS [ 10.887 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.260 [INFO] pulsar-client-messagecrypto-bc 
..................... SUCCESS [  5.912 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.261 [INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Parent 
......................... SUCCESS [  4.703 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.261 [INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Proto 
.......................... SUCCESS [  7.337 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.261 [INFO] Pulsar Client Java 
................................. SUCCESS [ 14.438 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.261 [INFO] Pulsar Discovery Service WAR 
....................... SUCCESS [  8.712 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.262 [INFO] Pulsar WebSocket 
................................... SUCCESS [  9.066 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.262 [INFO] Pulsar Client Admin Original 
....................... SUCCESS [ 27.867 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.262 [INFO] Pulsar Functions :: API 
............................ SUCCESS [  7.211 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.263 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Parent 
................................ SUCCESS [  4.650 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.263 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: IO 
.................................... SUCCESS [  6.460 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.263 [INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Utils 
.......................... SUCCESS [  7.506 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.263 [INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Secrets 
........................ SUCCESS [  6.962 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.264 [INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Instance 
....................... SUCCESS [ 11.687 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.264 [INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Runtime 
........................ SUCCESS [ 11.116 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.264 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Cassandra 
............................. SUCCESS [ 10.840 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.264 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: IO Common 
............................. SUCCESS [  6.562 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.265 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Twitter 
............................... SUCCESS [ 10.664 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.265 [INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Worker 
......................... SUCCESS [ 11.837 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.265 [INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Local Runner original 
.......... SUCCESS [  8.404 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.266 [INFO] Pulsar Functions :: API Examples 
................... SUCCESS [  6.589 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.266 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Data Generator 
........................ SUCCESS [  9.587 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.266 [INFO] Pulsar Transaction :: Coordinator 
.................. SUCCESS [  9.083 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.266 [INFO] Pulsar Broker 
...................................... SUCCESS [ 33.910 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.267 [INFO] Pulsar Shaded Broker 
............................... SUCCESS [01:24 min]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.267 [INFO] Pulsar Client Java 
................................. SUCCESS [01:07 min]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.267 [INFO] Pulsar Client 1.x Compatibility Base 
............... SUCCESS [  4.739 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.267 [INFO] Pulsar Client 2.x Shaded API 
....................... SUCCESS [ 43.875 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.268 [INFO] Pulsar Client 1.x Compatibility API 
................ SUCCESS [  7.480 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.268 [INFO] Pulsar Client Admin 
................................ SUCCESS [ 32.571 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.268 [INFO] Pulsar Client Tools 
................................ SUCCESS [ 11.541 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.268 [INFO] Pulsar Client Tools Test 
........................... SUCCESS [  3.892 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.269 [INFO] Pulsar Client All 
.................................. SUCCESS [01:07 min]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.269 [INFO] Pulsar Proxy 
....................................... SUCCESS [  8.804 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.269 [INFO] Pulsar Storm adapter 
............................... SUCCESS [  6.889 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.269 [INFO] Pulsar Flink Connectors 
............................ SUCCESS [  9.696 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.270 [INFO] Spark Streaming Pulsar Receivers 
................... SUCCESS [ 27.866 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.270 [INFO] Pulsar Test Client 
................................. SUCCESS [  9.648 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.270 [INFO] pulsar-broker-auth-athenz 
.......................... SUCCESS [  9.325 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.270 [INFO] pulsar-client-auth-athenz 
.......................... SUCCESS [  7.270 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.271 [INFO] Pulsar Kafka compatibility 
......................... SUCCESS [  4.686 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.271 [INFO] Pulsar Kafka compatibility :: API (original) 
....... SUCCESS [  6.839 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.271 [INFO] Pulsar Kafka compatibility 0.8 :: API 
(original) ... SUCCESS [  8.584 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.271 [INFO] Pulsar Kafka compatibility 0.9 :: API 
(original) ... SUCCESS [  6.638 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.272 [INFO] Pulsar Kafka compatibility :: API 
.................. SUCCESS [ 58.121 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.272 [INFO] Pulsar Kafka compatibility 0.8 :: API 
.............. SUCCESS [01:10 min]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.272 [INFO] Pulsar Kafka compatibility 0.9 :: API 
.............. SUCCESS [ 47.615 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.272 [INFO] Pulsar Kafka compatibility :: Tests 
................ SUCCESS [  6.661 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.273 [INFO] Pulsar Kafka-0.8 compatibility :: Tests 
............ SUCCESS [  7.934 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.273 [INFO] Pulsar Kafka compatibility 0.9 :: Tests 
............ SUCCESS [  6.651 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.273 [INFO] pulsar-zookeeper 
................................... SUCCESS [  8.233 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.273 [INFO] Pulsar Log4j2 Appender 
............................. SUCCESS [  6.653 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.274 [INFO] Pulsar SQL :: Parent 
............................... SUCCESS [  5.117 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.274 [INFO] Pulsar SQL :: Pulsar Presto Connector 
Packaging .... SUCCESS [ 16.144 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.274 [INFO] Pulsar SQL :: Pulsar Presto Connector 
.............. SUCCESS [ 26.367 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.274 [INFO] Pulsar SQL :: Pulsar Presto Distribution 
........... SUCCESS [ 43.940 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.275 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Docker Images 
..................... SUCCESS [  4.755 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.275 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Docker Images :: Pulsar 
Dashboard . SUCCESS [  4.690 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.276 [INFO] pulsar-client-auth-sasl 
............................ SUCCESS [  7.304 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.276 [INFO] pulsar-broker-auth-sasl 
............................ SUCCESS [  9.898 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.276 [INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Runtime All 
.................... SUCCESS [ 12.870 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.277 [INFO] Pulsar Functions :: Local Runner Shaded 
............ SUCCESS [01:58 min]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.277 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Canal 
................................. SUCCESS [ 52.574 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.278 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: ElasticSearch 
......................... SUCCESS [01:05 min]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.278 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Hdfs2 
................................. SUCCESS [01:32 min]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.279 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Hdfs3 
................................. SUCCESS [ 21.455 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.279 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Jdbc 
.................................. SUCCESS [02:19 min]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.280 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Kafka 
................................. SUCCESS [ 31.559 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.280 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Kinesis 
............................... SUCCESS [01:40 min]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.281 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: RabbitMQ 
.............................. SUCCESS [ 25.964 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.281 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Docs 
.................................. SUCCESS [ 11.828 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.281 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Aerospike 
............................. SUCCESS [  9.729 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.282 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Kafka Connect Adaptor 
................. SUCCESS [02:12 min]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.282 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Debezium 
.............................. SUCCESS [  4.652 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.283 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Debezium :: Core 
...................... SUCCESS [  8.620 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.283 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Debezium :: mysql 
..................... SUCCESS [05:17 min]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.283 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Debezium :: postgres 
.................. SUCCESS [03:57 min]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.284 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Debezium :: mongodb 
................... SUCCESS [ 36.964 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.284 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: File 
.................................. SUCCESS [  9.518 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.285 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Netty 
................................. SUCCESS [ 17.786 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.285 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Hbase 
................................. SUCCESS [ 37.643 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.286 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: MongoDB 
............................... SUCCESS [ 10.161 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.286 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Flume 
................................. SUCCESS [ 13.972 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.286 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Redis 
................................. SUCCESS [02:22 min]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.287 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: Solr 
.................................. SUCCESS [ 26.693 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.287 [INFO] Pulsar IO :: InfluxDB 
.............................. SUCCESS [ 21.170 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.288 [INFO] Pulsar Examples :: Parent 
.......................... SUCCESS [  4.674 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.288 [INFO] Pulsar Examples :: Flink 
........................... SUCCESS [ 21.194 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.289 [INFO] Pulsar Examples :: Spark 
........................... SUCCESS [ 12.412 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.289 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Bouncy Castle :: BC-FIPS 
.......... SUCCESS [  6.960 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.289 [INFO] Pulsar Bouncy Castle FIPS Test 
..................... SUCCESS [  5.253 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.290 [INFO] Pulsar Bouncy Castle FIPS Nar Test 
................. SUCCESS [  0.763 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.290 [INFO] Pulsar :: Distribution 
............................. SUCCESS [  4.625 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.291 [INFO] Pulsar :: Distribution :: Server 
................... SUCCESS [05:22 min]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.291 [INFO] Pulsar :: Distribution :: IO 
....................... SUCCESS [ 16.480 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.292 [INFO] Pulsar :: Distribution :: Offloader 
................ SUCCESS [ 30.438 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.292 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Docker Images :: Pulsar 
Latest Version SUCCESS [ 11.801 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.292 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Docker Images :: Grafana 
.......... SUCCESS [  4.649 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.293 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Docker Images :: Pulsar 
Latest Version (Include All Components) SUCCESS [  4.934 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.293 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Docker Images :: Pulsar 
Standalone  SUCCESS [  4.720 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.294 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tests 
............................. SUCCESS [  0.046 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.294 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tests :: Docker Images 
............ SUCCESS [  0.031 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.295 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tests :: Docker Images :: 
Java Test Functions SUCCESS [  0.714 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.295 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tests :: Docker Images :: 
Latest Version Testing SUCCESS [  0.033 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.296 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tests :: Integration 
.............. SUCCESS [  7.943 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.296 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tests :: Pulsar Kafka Compat 
Client Tests SUCCESS [  2.395 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.296 [INFO] Pulsar Storm adapter Tests 
......................... SUCCESS [  1.492 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.297 [INFO] Spark Streaming Pulsar Receivers Tests 
............. SUCCESS [  6.119 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.297 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tests :: Backwards Client 
Compatibility 2.0.0-rc1-incubating SUCCESS [  0.571 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.298 [INFO] Apache Pulsar :: Tests :: Backwards Client 
Compatibility 2.0.1-incubating 2.6.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [  0.550 s]
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.298 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.299 [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.299 [INFO] 
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.299 [INFO] Total time: 56:23 min
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.300 [INFO] Finished at: 2020-03-28T14:11:24Z
2020-03-28\T\14:11:24.300 [INFO] 
FATAL: Remote call on H13 failed
Also:   hudson.remoting.Channel$CallSiteStackTrace: Remote call to H13
                at hudson.Launcher$RemoteLauncher.kill(
                at hudson.model.Run.execute(
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class 
        at hudson.util.ProcessTree.get(
        at hudson.Launcher$RemoteLauncher$
        at hudson.Launcher$RemoteLauncher$
        at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform(
        at hudson.remoting.UserRequest.perform(
        at hudson.remoting.Request$
Caused: Remote call on H13 failed
        at hudson.Launcher$RemoteLauncher.kill(
        at hudson.model.Run.execute(
        at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(
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