yosiat commented on issue #62: Listening for messages
   I tried the listener implementation with the following code, that listens 
forever to messages and once any key received we close the consumer and client 
(in real-life: instead of listening to any key, we will listen to shutdown 
signals) - 
   const Pulsar = require('pulsar-client');
   const readline = require('readline');
   const rl = new readline.createInterface({
     input: process.stdin,
     output: process.stdout
   function prompt() {
     return new Promise((resolve) => {
       rl.question(`press any key to stop consuming`, () => resolve());
   (async () => {
     // Create a client
     const client = new Pulsar.Client({
       serviceUrl: 'pulsar://localhost:6650'
       //operationTimeoutSeconds: 30,
     // Create a consumer
     const consumer = await client.subscribe({
       topic: 'persistent://public/default/my-topic',
       subscription: 'sub1',
       subscriptionType: 'Shared',
       ackTimeoutMs: 10000,
       listener: function(msg, consumer) {
     await prompt();
     await consumer.close();
     await client.close();
   I have producer which emits at regular intervals (after some time, fails on 
this - https://github.com/apache/pulsar-client-node/issues/78 and I restart it).
   The consumer after some random time, just closes the connection. I added 
`std::cout` to the code and I see `Consumer` deconstructor is called for every 
message (which makes sense, since we create for every message a consumer) and 
the `Client` deconstructor is called after a while.
   I did some changes in order to solve this and it works now, except the 
`listener` don't get the `consumer` instance.
   Changes are here - 

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